You're Banned

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Banned for apparently not being useful enough for him.
Banned for not being my friend. Unless you want to add me of course.
Banned because I wanted to see if people still wanted to be my friend after knowing "The Thing about me" *Shifty eyes*
Banned for calling me an emo.
It's not true.
Banned for calling me an emo.
It's seriously not true.
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Banned for calling me an emo.
It's a bad assumption to assume those who like the same sex are emotional.
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Banned because some of these banishments don't even make sense.
Banned so this doesn't continue being just you two. >.>
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Banne because none of us here appreciate combo breaking, sir.
Firstly, guy above me is Banned for not having a fullstop.

Yoshi, you're banne because I like banne people. Seriously though, You're Banne because you're spamming the game.
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