You're Banned

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Banned for being a Pokeball.
Banned for being a Squirtle. I'm gonna catch you!
Banned for trying to get more youtube views through ur sig
banned for taking me too serious
Banned for having so much posts. (Imma catch up to you soon.............)
Banned for the over excessive use of "meh" ... are we sheep? Or are we dancers?
Banned for banning the person above you who banned the person above them who banned the person above them who banned the person above them who banned the person above them who banned the person above them who banned the person above them who banned the person above them who banned the person above them who banned the person above them who banned the person above them who banned the person above them who banned the person above them who banned the person above them...............Etc. BOM BANNNNNNNNNNNed! cuz u've been the "banned one" all along!
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