You're Banned

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banned because that is true and it is time for your mom to cut off your internet
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Banned because I couldn't think of a reason for the 50th time.
Banned because I haven't banned you specifically in a while.
TripleBanned, because:

1. Quit sucking people's blood.
2. That sig has a terrifyingly outdated quote.
3. You suck.
Banned because you don't have the guts to Ban me.
banned because more than 6 meters of small intestine say otherwise
Banned because Charmander Owns Squirtle.
Oh no, you did NOT just say that.
Banned because there's no reason for to have an account anymore, because I'm going to hunt you down, kidnap you, and hang you from a crane with your own intestines after stabbing you repeatedly in the face with your femur once I snap it in half.
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