May 17, 2011 #801 Y Yoshi64Mario Player of all consoles! Credits 1,500 Banned because he didn't pass out, he fainted. There's a difference in the world of Pokemon.
May 17, 2011 #802 R RootBoi Dr. Greenthumb Credits 3,400 banned for not being able to think out sire the pokemon world
May 17, 2011 #804 M Mild_Mannered_Swampert Mud Fish Pokémon Credits 400 Banned for being a grammar nazi.
May 17, 2011 #805 S Star Bright Right behind you. Credits 421 Banned because the correction was necessary seeing how it took me a minute to understand what he was saying the first time reading the post.
Banned because the correction was necessary seeing how it took me a minute to understand what he was saying the first time reading the post.
May 19, 2011 #808 Y Yoshi64Mario Player of all consoles! Credits 1,500 Banned because I can't be bothered Googling the meaning for "enigmatic".
May 19, 2011 #809 S Star Bright Right behind you. Credits 421 Banned for not knowing the definition off the top of your head.
May 19, 2011 #810 S Super Leaf Official N3DSC Leaf Credits 1,003 banned because knowone else knows what that horrible word is Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2011
May 19, 2011 #811 S Star Bright Right behind you. Credits 421 Banned because I have no idea what a "knowone" is.
May 19, 2011 #812 N NaiBeatle Well-Known Member Credits 350 Banned by because you're a moderator. AW SNAP AW SNAP
May 19, 2011 #813 S Star Bright Right behind you. Credits 421 Banned because your argument is rather illogical.
May 20, 2011 #814 R RootBoi Dr. Greenthumb Credits 3,400 Banned for all of you being little kids! It's past your bed time!!!!
May 20, 2011 #815 M Mild_Mannered_Swampert Mud Fish Pokémon Credits 400 Banned for losing in a cage fight.
May 20, 2011 #816 R RootBoi Dr. Greenthumb Credits 3,400 Banned for assuming I would loose with out stepping into the ring yourself and seeing how i actually whoop ass
Banned for assuming I would loose with out stepping into the ring yourself and seeing how i actually whoop ass
May 20, 2011 #817 M Mild_Mannered_Swampert Mud Fish Pokémon Credits 400 Banned for underestimating people.
May 20, 2011 #818 R RootBoi Dr. Greenthumb Credits 3,400 banned for missing the point, since I was saying that you are underestimating Me Last edited by a moderator: May 20, 2011
May 21, 2011 #820 R RootBoi Dr. Greenthumb Credits 3,400 banned for not letting me point my "thing" at what ever I want Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2011