Jul 27, 2011 #1,101 S Star Bright Right behind you. Credits 421 Banned because it worked for the first time.
Jul 28, 2011 #1,102 Tiger21820 Master of Fire & Ice! Staff member Administrator Manager Lottery Manager Credits 5 Banned for making it work for the last time. Last edited by a moderator: Jul 28, 2011
Jul 29, 2011 #1,103 S Star Bright Right behind you. Credits 421 Banned because I'll edit you if necessary. >.>
Jul 29, 2011 #1,104 Y Yoshi64Mario Player of all consoles! Credits 1,500 Banned because it's not necessary yet.
Jul 29, 2011 #1,106 S Star Bright Right behind you. Credits 421 Banned for not taking the time to weigh your argument.
Jul 31, 2011 #1,107 M Melty That guy who hates everything. Credits 3,406 Banned because the argument wishes for its weight to be kept a secret. It's embarrassing.
Jul 31, 2011 #1,108 S Star Bright Right behind you. Credits 421 Banned for anthropomorphizing arguments.
Jul 31, 2011 #1,109 M Melty That guy who hates everything. Credits 3,406 Banned because I didn't do anything! I'm a tomato, how could I use a computer? Last edited by a moderator: Jul 31, 2011
Jul 31, 2011 #1,110 S Star Bright Right behind you. Credits 421 Banned for being an inanimate object.
Jul 31, 2011 #1,111 M Melty That guy who hates everything. Credits 3,406 Banned because I'm on a horse.
Jul 31, 2011 #1,113 M Melty That guy who hates everything. Credits 3,406 SWAN DIVE! Directly into a ban!
Aug 1, 2011 #1,115 Y Yoshi64Mario Player of all consoles! Credits 1,500 I'd tell you to ban yourself, if I wasn't about to ban you. Oh well. *Bans*
Aug 1, 2011 #1,118 Y Yoshi64Mario Player of all consoles! Credits 1,500 Banned for saying something negative about Captain Falcon. You will now proceed to be Falcon Ban-Hammered.
Banned for saying something negative about Captain Falcon. You will now proceed to be Falcon Ban-Hammered.
Aug 1, 2011 #1,119 F F'jeris FΣÐЯ ТHΣ FUTUЯΣ Credits 400 Banned due to CoD Being better than Halo by a long shot.
Aug 1, 2011 #1,120 Y Yoshi64Mario Player of all consoles! Credits 1,500 Banned because I knew you'd say that and I still disagree with you.