You're Banned

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Banned for still being immature, and not taking into account what TUK said. Seriously, come back when you read that whole post. And don't just say "omg i read it all, true story, it rely happend" Give us a picture of that post. Print screen, all that.
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So you say first you're not immature, then you say you're ignoring his posts. For no reason at all. YEP, NOT IMMATURE AT ALL, AMIRITE?[/sarcasm]
Banned for still being the ol' immature Yoshian you are.
Banned because I have a feeling if I partook in this argument I would get banned and yoshian would get away with "IM STILL MATURING"
Banned for nothing.

Also, PEOPLE. I SAID SHUT UP. If you can't get that through your heads, stop posting in this topic. For Christ's sake.
Banned because the following people who act immaturely will recieve a report towards them:
Yoshian - (If he enrages)
PEOPLE. I SAID SHUT UP. If you can't get that through your heads, stop posting in this topic. For Christ's sake.
I would also like to point out that the constant complaining, nagging, and flaming is not helping at all. There's a report button there. Use it (if it pertains to anything more than "rude comment" - I'm getting sick of these too).

Banned for AlLcApS.
Banned for stuff in the 4th dimension.
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Banned for being the exact evil twin of the thing that happens to be your rank at the time that this post was posted.

Also, lawlz:
Banned, because I am not being immature!!! Im ignoring TUK's posts anyway.
No, you're being very intelligent.

Also, you didn't answer my question(s).
Firstly, why did you block me on Youtube when I didn't agree with your *ahem* not true and never really happened stories (and why do you get mad when 100% of the world's population doesn't believe them?)

Also, you said facts are "NOT ALWAYS TRUE"? Seriously, I don't get that? How can a fact not be true? If it wasn't true it wouldn't be a fact? So, can you explain how facts can be "NOT ALWAYS TRUE"?

I'm just saying, if you're going to make up these ridiculous stories that even a 5 year old wouldn't believe, and then get mad when people don't believe you, and block them, then that's pretty 'immature' in my opinion.
If you actually GENUINELY believe all these stories, you need help. If they are just completely made up by you, then you have a weird imagination.
Also, I did something related to your YouTube account. If you don't like it, fine. If you do, I'll be a bit surprised. You'll know when you go on YouTube next.
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Banned because clearly getting mad at yoshian isn't going to solve anything. I understand that the mods don't want this to turn into a huge argument so i'm going to phrase this in the nicest way possible.

Yoshian, I understand you want the whole world to be one big happy ball of fun and everyone to agree with you, but you really need to accept what people are putting in your direction.

When I first came here I was a huge retard and people got pissed at me all the time, but I took it and listened to them and im not even close to as annoying as I was.

My point being don't try to block out what people are saying : /. Listen to them, criticism makes us better people as I've said before.
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