You're Banned

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Banned because you obviously didn't read why...
Banned for not seeing the sarcasm in my post within said topic.
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Banned for repeating something similar to "being banned for having two rainbow yoshis on my sig."
Banned for judging my vague question
Banned for being a moderator. That means you solve problems. Not problems like "What is the best way to structure this forum?" because that would fall within the purview of your conundrums like administration. You solve practical problems. For instance, how am you going to stop some big mean motherhupper from tearing this forum down with consistent trolling and spamming? The answer... is a banhammer. And if that don't work... use more banhammer. Like this beautiful shining gold plated cylindrical head mounted on a smooth metal shaft designed by you, built by you. And the poster above your post hope... you're not swinging it at them.
Banned for somehow being the only person that seems to be the last person to post in this topic, before I do, although occasionally it might be Yoshian/Undead -- well basically only you two... WTH?
Banned for having a different user title other than "TheUltimateKoopa"
Banned because i need to think of a valid reason to ban you.


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