Youtube Comments Revamp


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Cant understand it, could you explain more here? From what I know there are going to change the comment ways. Not making the newest comment on top but popular comments on the top. Am I correct?
I think it's good. The comments system has always been a mess and it's one of the things that Youtube has failed to focus on. I look forward to seeing these changes come in.
I don't really care about this since I'm just commenting
in a racist way myself to racist comments by users.

For example, to a racist White against China, I've
made a racist comment to whatever he/she said
about the Chinese.

And I've done it many times, I think it works
better than this policy.

And since the Youtube is filled
with so many racist/whatever comments and users...
I'm doubting it's ever going to work.
If its done right it will definitely make things more organized and easier to keep up. I'm all for it. 
I read soon we have to use our real names to post videos, and comment on videos, and our activity would be connected to our Google Plus account.

I think this could stop some rude commenters since most people are more will behaved when their friends and family could easily find their rude comments on YouTube since kids could end up being banned from the internet at home by their parents if their parents find out they are trolling YouTube, and Trolls can end up having fewer friends at school if their friends find out they are cyberbullying people online.
I think you can still use your YouTube name because I'm still seeing people using their YouTube name to comment on YouTube, but you need to pick your YouTube name instead of your G+ name during the switch over to the G+ commenting system.