Youtube just completely stops adblock users from being able to watch.


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I wish this company would go under already. I just signed up for yt premium's free trail for the first time but if any adblock can circumvent it I will be back to free loading.
I never used adblock. Felt like it's a luxury to see certain information as it is.
I caved in a year ago, because I watch YouTube on my TV and iPad, and they started getting ridiculous with the ads.

When it was just the beginning of the video, I didn’t care about ads, but when you’re watching longer videos, it’s annoying when they randomly interrupt the video several times.
Using Adblock plus, and it seems to be tricking YouTube into thinking ads are being delivered to me by briefly showing blank screens displaying lengths ranging from a few seconds to a few minutes, sometimes in succession for a few seconds with that "ever so lovely" buffering animation before skipping straight to the video, and not trigger the "lovely little" reminder!

Tiger: 21820
YouTube: -10 Millinillion (10[sup]3003[/sup] (Why no superscript BBcode?))
They havent broken Adblock for me...yet. But if they do....Ill just get another one. Not paying for premium.
Wow I thought this was worldwide thing, now I'm not so sure. I have to figure out of if I need to change adblock or is it affecting people by location or their history.
I don't use an Ad-blocker. They tend to be hit & miss with what sites & forums you can access.
I don't think YouTube will go under. Too many people rely on it for income.