YouTube Launches Paid Subscription Channels


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Rumors of YouTube adopting a paid subscription model have been circulating for years, and now, Google has made it official. Starting today, the video service is launching a small group of paid channels from select content partners, with monthly fees starting at $0.99. The list of 53 channels included in the pilot program include Laugh Factory VIP, JIm Henson Family TV, National Geographic Kids, ScreamPix, UFC Select, and more.

But Google isn't expecting users to jump in blindly. Every paid channel is required to offer a 14-day free trial and some include discounted annual rates. In the weeks to come, Google will allow additional channels to adopt the paid subscription model, although content makers will have to meet a set of prerequisites.

This is the latest in Google's ongoing efforts to bring premium video content to YouTube. The company has bulked up its investment in high-quality video partners, having already offered millions to a wide array of content makers to boost production values and even as going as far to build a professional-grade production studio in Los Angeles for select partners to use.

I thought youtube was suppose to be the website of the free videos?
Paid subscription could be good for more talented video creators who are good, but don't have enough views to make much money with ads or sponsorships on their videos to afford to buy HD cameras, microphones, writers, and hire staff to help them make high quality videos like Freddie Wong. 

This can also revive canceled TV Shows since if enough people pay to subscribe to them than they can continue making the cancel shows.
Arrested Devolopment and Jericho which got cancelled got revive by Netflix. Netflix subscription cost 9.99 per user, and the money earn from Netflix has to be shared with all the licences for movies, shows, and video hosted on Netflix.

If there are enough fans in the hundreds of thousands or millions who are willing to pay 1-5 or more dollars a month to revive a cancel show than it is possible.

The Veronica Mars movie got almost 6 million dollars in funding from al most 92,000 pledgers which is about $65 per pledger according to , so there are many online fans who are willing to pay money to revive or help create shows and movies which they love.
The 'partners' part of it makes me dislike this. If Game Grumps becomes paid subscription, then I'll be disappointed. Also, this will just incur more piracy than good.
At least I don't watch any of those channels. :P

But this is pretty ridiculous considering how much money goes through the website. If this spreads to more channles it could be bad news for viewers and popular youtubers. Bad news for youtubers because if it spreads to their channel people will either not subscribe or unsubscrible. Losing interest in making videos and decreasing view count.

Only if it goes to that will things go sour, if it's just a few channels it's not that bad. They might even lose money if they spread it over other channels.

Your move YouTube.
Super Bowser Bros. said:
Your move YouTube.
Actually it's not Youtube's move, it's the channel's moves. No channel will be paid subscription unless they chose to be. They won't be forced by Youtube to become paid subscription.
I think you need to be accepted into the YouTube Partnership, or Monetization before you get the chance to become a paid subscription YouTube Partner, or YouTube needs to accept you into the paid subscription if your content is good enough for being worth being paid.

I read that subscribers get a 15 day free trial, so if videos are not any good, channels won't make much or any money because people can unsubscribe before the 15 days, and the channel gets nothing.

YouTube will still remain free, and ad supported for YouTube Partners like iJustine, and Machinama which make a lot of money for YouTube, so non-Partners can post videos ad-free as long as they are not breaking others copyright like copyrighted music, and videos which may have ads, so the owner isn't being ripped off, and makes some money back from his copyrighted content.
I heard about this a while back and wasn't too surprised about it. It's just another subscription. I mean Hulu now has HuluPlus, so I'm not surprised that YT is getting on the train. I guess it's a good thing I don't really follow any channels.
I don't think it's too bad of an idea; if paying for it means no video ads too then I could see some benefits to that. It could help some youtubers make better videos by giving them more revenue but they shouldn't be relying on youtube for a primary source of income.
I'm not sure if this will be successful, as it is so easy to just download youtube videos.  Best of luck to anyone trying to legitimately make a living off this though.
this pisses me off it defeats the whole purpose of YouTube! which is to share videos with people and they watch it for free? the partners are already getting paid to make videos isn't that enough ? I hate this idea and I'm sure the big you tubers who do this will lose all the respect they have from there fans. as soon as one of my favorite you tubers does this I will stop watching. 
stephbird3 said:
this pisses me off it defeats the whole purpose of YouTube! which is to share videos with people and they watch it for free? the partners are already getting paid to make videos isn't that enough ? I hate this idea and I'm sure the big you tubers who do this will lose all the respect they have from there fans. as soon as one of my favorite you tubers does this I will stop watching. 
Blame AdBlock. You can see almost the whole Internet become paid if its proliferation continues unfettered.
Maybe YouTube should be like which let people tip their favorite singer $1 or more , when they release a new music videos on YouTube, to support their favorite singers to make YouTube videos.

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