Youtube's WTFU


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So this past week, WTFU has become a big thing among youtube community and no it doesn't stand for WTF itself but stands for: Where is The Fair Use.

More detailed info here:

and of course one of the people hit by WTFU is Team Four Star:

How do you believe that Youtube can change its policy to stop unfair copyright claims on videos and having videos and channels alike taken off.
He's not the only one and aren't that big channel compared to what I seen
As a YouTuber, I have to wonder whether it's even worth making videos anymore... If YouTube doesn't do anything about this, people will move to other video sharing sites...

that's the thing though, all video sites are affected by this. If they don't pull down reported content they could be dragged into court and lose millions to billions. Yet at the same time they got to see whats right and whats breaking the law.
Np wounder I don't get new subscribers because of the videos being blocked