Yup, we're doomed (UN report on 'cyberviolence')


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I strongly suspect humanity has gone to hell recently, but damn this proves it more than ever. Apparently, the usual anti GamerGate suspects someone ended up in front of the UN talking about 'virtual violence' (read, people saying harsh things on the internet) and it got treated like it was some sort of terrorism.

All I can say is that this is freaking pathetic. There's a huge difference between actual violence and war (read, things the UN should actually be caring about, like the situation in Syria) and complaints about people saying mean things on the internet.

What do you think?
The fact that this happened is just so darn stupid. You have people claiming that feminism is not necessary because the fight it is ove, happily disregarding the situation in other parts of the world. Women are being beaten up, killed and treated like objects in other countries. Then you have these idiots minimizing one thing with the other.

Now, I am not going to disregard all of what they meant. I understand how some people online can go really far to harass people to the point of ruining their work lives, with unscrupulous people calling family, spreading sensitive personal data and more. yes it is a serious thing, but these two basically are using what they receive as fuel to impulse their agent which sounds pretty double standard.

What really irks me about it is the frigging one-gender treatment. All these issues happen to both genders, debating who get it more or worse is pointless, it detracts from the focus. No one should go through it. We should work in ways to make it less likely to occur and condemn when it happens.

anyway, it wasn't the time nor the place. Didn't they break a law for doing this?