Zelda Fan gets Tattoo


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She is very dedicated

wow, that is one huge and detailed tattoo. She must be a hardcore Zelda fan, for sure. xD
That looks amazing! The detail and colouring look great. I imagined it hurt quite a bit too :O I wonder how long that took, eek!
I wonder if she realises she's going to have that there most likely for the rest of her life.
That's beautiful! That must have taking so many sessions!  I still have yet to decide what I'm getting for my zelda one. 
Wow that filled up her whole back! That must have taken a long time and a lot of money! I wonder how much she had to pay for that? And how is she going to show it off to people? I would never get a tattoo that big!
Its a beautiful tattoo, but looks painful and like it took a lot of time, she is one very very dedicated fan. 
Wow that's incredible. I love Majora's mask and I'd love to see the source work for that. MM has a pretty great color scheme for a tattoo as well
chrisy. said:
I wonder if she realises she's going to have that there most likely for the rest of her life.
I agree I am strongly against tattoo's because when I was young I use to work in a senior home. And the old people would show me their tattoo's and they looked like road maps. Most of them say they wish they never got one. On top of that whats she going to do if she doesn't like Zelda anymore?


I'm a sucker for a tattoo that follows the curves of a woman's body. 

Anyway, it's a really impressive tattoo. One of those ones where, even if she ended up no longer liking the Zelda franchise, the artwork is still impressive enough to be proud of the tattoo. I just can't imagine how she was able to get comfortable as it healed. 
I'm not a big fan of this kind of tattoo sizes, but this one is really beautiful and the details are amazing. I wonder if she designed the whole tattoo or got some help from the tattoo artist. I would have loved to watch the whole process and meet her because she really is a true fan.