Zombie Land Saga


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Based on a strong recommend from a friend, I watched this anime that also fit with the recent halloween season. I went into it blind and came out a fan, the anime was fun, humorous, awesome cast of characters and rarely a dull moment with lots of great songs. I'm not going to spoil anything and I recommend going into it blind, as its one that I highly recommend. Please note, the above trailer is a lie.
I was expecting to like this as this is usually in my wheelhouse, but I got bored halfway through. I thought the first two episodes were hilarious, but then it started feeling like a typical idol show when the initial gimmick wore off.
I was expecting to like this as this is usually in my wheelhouse, but I got bored halfway through. I thought the first two episodes were hilarious, but then it started feeling like a typical idol show when the initial gimmick wore off.

I felt they had enough zombie elements to keep it interesting, could have maybe focus on that more.
I felt they had enough zombie elements to keep it interesting, could have maybe focus on that more.

I think it’s because I realized I’m not a fan of idol shows. Seems like these shows always have to throw in some kind of drama that I always find cheesy. So I just felt like I was rewatching idolm@ster, but this time they’re zombies.

I only got to episode 6, so unless some big breakthrough happens in the plot, I feel like I might as well just watch idolm@ster.