Zoom Calls Are About To Get Weirder...


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I feel being able to use virtual avatars like a dog, cat, or anime character in Zoom could be a good for having a Zoom themed costume party without spending a lot of money to buy a costume which can be expensive for a costume you will probably only wear a few times in your life.
Looks like we'll have to update rules at work to ban this.
I got a feeling a lot of schools and workplaces may ban virtual avatars on Zoom and other video chat apps.

But, I think virtual avatars could be good for people who don't want people to see their face because they injured their face, or they can't remove paint, markers, pen mark, or a food stain from their face.
This makes no sense. I'm not using this service to stream games. I'm not using this service for entertainment. This looks like the service for people who don't want to show their face for all the wrong reasons and it's creepy. I think this adds more societal problems rather than being innovative and it just seems like they want you to use this feature because they just wanted to add something with no value for their workers to get paid somehow.
Can't wait for someone to accidentally turn this on during a work meeting and have no idea how to turn it off.