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it sure has been a long week, the weekend is finally here! enjoy what you like to do!
may it be the slowest two days of the week!
Demon_Skeith Demon_Skeith yeah, thats true. with a federal holiday coming up soon, I'm just glad there's another 3 day weekend going on. Nothing in March or April, but I'll take it! any type of time off from work. more time to enjoy manga, anime, video games! haha
feeling glad its finally the weekend for me. Yes, I have Friday off! woo hoo!
Once it hits spring I'll start taking some Fridays off as well.
Demon_Skeith Demon_Skeith yeah! its always great to have every other friday off. Since management changed at my work last year, its really been great. I no longer have to work weekends or nights.
and policy changes. it was a change for the good! Meaning I work the required hours and then go home, play video games, read manga, or watch anime, its great! haha
Isn't it a godsend? I thought I was always fine working weekends (in retail) but once I had my weekends off and set hours, I realized I had it bad.
I think Im gonna start doing nothing but pumping out "Favorite" and Top 5 threads in the digital section lol.
Congrats on 19888 posts! Try to make 222 more!
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Will go over 222 more in time as long as I draw breath! lol
Especially since you got a lot of PLOT stuff to talk about!
happy new year folks. sorry I was inactive during the holidays. I was real busy with work. feeling 'meh'
For your link to Nintendo 3DS Central in your signature, be sure to add ?r=103 to the end of the url so if members join through your link, you'll get referral points for it! 103 is your user ID on Nintendo 3DS Central!
Binging all the Christmas movies and shows before a family Christmas party tonight!
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weekend is upon us again! Kool here saying "do what you enjoy! gaming, watching anime, watching series or movies!"
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