Dark Young Link
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  • Ah, alrighty. Well if you ever want me to make you a sig, lemme know whatcha want on it and I'll make one up for ya!
    Similar to yours, but less pixelated! If you link me the images on it, I'll fix it all up nice-nice for ya!
    I have about 10+ of those real battlechips. I'll take a secreencap sometime. I don'e have the PET thing though. I heard they sucked anyway. Google Rockman exe 4.5 (it's a japan only game....they were meant to be used for that game. the battlechips I mean.
    I don't get why you won't play windwaker then...it really does explain a lot of things (like the whol link dissapearance, and gannon also comes back and has regrets about his past, he was WAITING for the NEW hero (old hero died I assume). Anyway check out the Solcross from MMBN5, it's a slot in DS exclusive for Boktai 2 owners.
    That's the whole point, get many battlechips, prefereably following the same code (the letter code after the chips name). You don't have to play BN 5 if you don't want to. I've been playing it(DS Version, it's MUCH better than GBA version) for the past 2 weeks now, and plan to continue. I beat the game years ago however, i just want to collect everything.
    Nothing better then having my BN5DS Completed aand redoing those missions with my SolCross Megaman and tearing those bosses a new hole. I used to hate those missions back then, I've grown to love em.
    That's only during a Liberation mission, not all of the time...Might I reccomend the DS version as it adds a lot and has voices and such. % is probably my favorite due to the fact that it made it as a DS remake. Though I do love BN 6 a lot.
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