Dark Young Link
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  • I may get ACNL for my birthday since it's like really cheep. Along with LM2. However, I will hardly play NL until LM2 is done. LM2 is high priority over AC since I tend to get bored of AC pretty fast.
    Be truthful, is anyone else disapointed by SSB4 so far? I mean Villager is like a pointless character. I mean I don't see him as a fighter... at al. I mean Mega Man's cool. He has like his attacks from all the classic games. Then there Wii Fit Trainer (female) and... ok wtf are they thinking? Only one of the three sounds fun to play as. I hope for something more and that they're saving the best for last.
    Mother/EarthBound Collection
    60 newcomers? lol doubtful but that would be the best thing ever.
    Not too unbelievable. If they found room for Wii Fit Trainer and Villager, then they've likely got enough slots for a ton of others too.
    I don't mind the Villager, but the Wii Fit Trainer is kind of dumb I'll agree. Though I am not disappointed...so far, I think the game looks great, definately looking forward to it.
    I finish Link's Awakening and a week later Chuggaaconroy starts LPing it. Not sure if that's awesome or sad since I just 100í the game.
    >.> *gives up* F it!
    Is Links Awakening hard?
    I don't think ANY top-down Zelda is hard. Links Awakening is pretty much the same style as A Link to the Past and Oracle of Seasons / Ages. It is one of my top 3 Zelda games.
    I'm starting to love Kid Icarus, as much as I hate to admit it. I never thought this game was about mythology. I love my mythology.
    Dark Young Link
    Dark Young Link
    Icarus wasn't an angel. I thought it was different. Though it explains why he fan fly for only 5 minute... Sort of. Also Light vs. Dark is cool.
    I love Kid Icarus
    Icarus was the kid who escaped a prison (or something along the lines of 'stuck with no hope of getting out') with his father using feathers and wax. But he flew too close towards the sun, melting the wax, causing him to plummet into the nearby sea.
    I'll admit that Kid Icarus Uprising isn't as bad as I thought once I got used to the controls... Sort of. I mean they still feel a little weird, but whatever.
    Maybe one day once you get used to the game a bit we can battle 0ne on one. ^_^
    I'll admit that Kid Icarus Uprising isn't as bad as I thought once I got used to the controls... Sort of. I mean they still feel a little weird, but whatever.
    I just got Kid Icarus Uprising. It better be good or I'll be mad at everyone who says it was.
    yeah.. sometimes I am soo glad i live near 3 Game stops. well like 6 if you think a 30 mile radius isnt long. i think i had bashed that game and SMSS plenty of times lol
    SMSS? Super Mario SunShine? O.o you liked that game! ???? Oh! You meant PM:SS Paper Mario Sticker Star!
    yeah, i meant PMSS LOL that just sounds wrong..
    Some guy at work tried to tell me that Teenage Mutant Nina Turtles on the NES was easy and the water level had no challenge... wth.
    Some guy at work tried to tell me that Teenage Mutant Nina Turtles on the NES was easy and the water level had no challenge... wth.
    Only 3 more months until my birthday. Then I can get Luigi's Mansion 2... I can't wait though, but I must. It will be worth it. Plus with Kid Icarus Uprising. Of course LM2 before KI. Plus I'm going to get Tomb Raider Under World, but that's the least of my gaming concern right now.
    Only 3 more months until my birthday. Then I can get Luigi's Mansion 2... I can't wait though, but I must. It will be worth it. Plus with Kid Icarus Uprising. Of course LM2 before KI. Plus I'm going to get Tomb Raider Under World, but that's the least of my gaming concern right now.
    I'm thinking about getting Kid Icarus Uprising, but I don't really know. It's kind of a thing I'm going through. I may or may not end up getting it.
    I'm going to an anime con this weekend. I'm going as Pit. I don't actually like Pit or Kid Icarus, but it's a sweet costume nonetheless.
    You know, despite various characters saying that there were 25 years between the last Kid Icarus game and Uprising, that isn't true. Kid Icarus: of Myths and Monsters came out less than 25 years ago.
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