Dark Young Link
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  • So I'm playing Bowser's Inside Story and I found a glitch. I punched a bomb with Bowser and now the game is froze. >_< WTH! T_T
    One more day 'til Smash Bros for the Wii U? I didn't even realize it. omg omg omg omg. Too bad I'm getting it for Christmas... maybe I can get it earlier. I'll beg.

    I'm getting it tomorrow.
    Dark Young Link
    Dark Young Link
    Technically my mom's buying it tomorrow. So I can be like, "I got my birthday present 3 months late (because SSB3DS wasn't out) so to make up for the wait can I play SSBWiiU now?" Maybe she'll say yes.
    Don't mind me, I'm just trying to bring life back tot he site.
    It's nice you're trying.
    My internet has been down. I'll be more active as soon as I can. :P
    I'll help to this place is really fun.
    So now that I have beat ALBW, I have reclaimed my place of beating all Zelda games. My next task, however, is to beat Hero Mode of ALBW 100%. Though that is a task for another time.
    I am such a dork. I'm nick naming all my Pokemon I plan to have on my final team and so far I have Froakie, who's name isTooantuh, which is Cherokee for frog and Charmander who I named, get this, Pyrrhos. Greek for Flame-like, who is also the son of Achilles. Also Pyrron from KI was based off this name... I think.
    I called my Froakie Splosh-Cho. I mispelled Splosh-Chop and thought it was going to end up part fighting type.
    Same here. I have a Chestnaught named Autobot (because it uses Rollout) and a Sylveon named Sylverstream (because the female avatar is Vierna whose last name in the novels I write is Silverstream).
    Also.. Pyron was in Darkstalkers not Killer Instinct. you are thinking of Cinder in KI. And yes, Pyron of DS is named after who you said.
    I'm finally starting Pokemon, but I only plan on getting my starter then stopping since my friend said I can play it as long as it doesn't interfere with me coming over. So yeah. I get to start playing it though. WOOOOOOO!
    Dark Young Link
    Dark Young Link
    There's a game breaking bug? That's uh... bad. I'm not saving there then.
    Yeah, it corrupts your save file, thus you have to delete it and start over again.
    woops sorry about the second post. that was meant to go on my status. 0__0
    I'm finally starting Pokemon, but I only plan on getting my starter then stopping since my friend said I can play it as long as it doesn't interfere with me coming over. So yeah. I get to start playing it though. WOOOOOOO!
    Where's my mail? Where's my mail!? It comes at 11:00... it's 1:26. It's not a holiday. I looked on Amazon it's supposed to be here. Where the hell is my mail? T_T It's been in town 3 days. I could have picked up by now. Though if it's with the mail carrier, I can't get it... because it's not there. Why is this happening me? I blame Columbus Day. It doesn't deserve to be a holiday he didn't do anything special. He came to America and thought it w...
    Still no luck?
    I really feel for you, dude. If I were you I would complain. You ordered it to get it delivered on the 12th and it still hasn't come in yet. That's bull.
    Mother/EarthBound Collection
    you gotta make sure you drive over to the post office and pick it up post haste...no telling what kind of foolery could lead to you never getting it or your money back.
    I just looked at the order for Pokemon Y. It's been at the post office since Saturday. >_< Which means I should have it when I get home! ... Wait a second today is Columbus Day... That means... that means... NO MAIL! T_T I'm leaving the internet until I get the game I'll be back in a few days when I have the game... hopefully tomorrow... ellipsis...
    Some luck. That really sucks!
    Artisan Vistra
    Artisan Vistra
    I'm ahead of someone. Yes!
    Everyone's playing X and Y and I'm just sitting here dying while waiting for it to show up in the mail. >_<
    I'm already at the 3rd gym :)
    me too :/ i preordered from amazon and i'm still waiting on my copy, but i went to pick up pokemon y with my boyfriend today >.> i may rethink preordering in the future.
    All I can think about is Pokemon Y. I can't last another 10 days! >_<
    Dark Young Link
    Dark Young Link
    The preorder specials don't interest me much. Though I guess it would still be preordering since I'm ordering it early. Though I don't think I'll get anything through Amazon.
    I'm with ya there. I just wanna preorder to assure I get a copy. My local Gamestop is small so I don't want em to run out before I get to them.
    Dark Young Link
    Dark Young Link
    That makes sense. My friend won't let me buy mine from GameStop since I need the money for college. I'd rather go to GameStop though. Even though their rewards kind of suck.
    I gave into tempation and bought New Super Luigi U instead of Mother 2... Naw I'm just messin' with ya. I just got Mother 2. Ahahahahahaha. Finally.
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