Demon_Skeith Jun 11, 2017 Alright, most of Microsoft's E3 news is up, sure to be more through out the week though. enjoy!
Demon_Skeith Jun 10, 2017 Can't remember ever starting E3 on a sat before, but EA news has been posted!
Demon_Skeith May 9, 2017 Summer break at last! I'll get to all PMs tomorrow after a long night of rest....
Demon_Skeith May 8, 2017 I got finals tomorrow folks, calling it a night and hopefully my brain survives tomorrow.
Demon_Skeith Mar 10, 2017 Tired from midterms but tomorrow I'll get those waiting for credits from me!
Demon_Skeith Mar 3, 2017 *Sees the Switch being sold on ebay for over $500* I knew I should have did that.....
Demon_Skeith Feb 6, 2017 busy weekend was (lazy) busy, will be getting everything going tomorrow (or very later today I guess )
busy weekend was (lazy) busy, will be getting everything going tomorrow (or very later today I guess )
Demon_Skeith Jan 13, 2017 Alright, I think I got most of the Switch news out, see you folks tomorrow! *way past bedtime....*
Demon_Skeith Jan 10, 2017 Sorry for the forum update being late. Just trying to pull some things together