Recent content by EpiGamer

  1. E

    Friend Code

    You have been added by me, please also add my friend code 2363 - 5819 - 8174
  2. E

    New 3ds friends

    Hi, if you would like to add me please my friend code 2363 - 5819 - 817 If you add me be sure to message me yours, thanks!
  3. E

    Hey guys, i'm looking for some 3DS friends :)

    I just realised I forgot to add you, I have now though. As for everyone else who have currently posted in the thread you should be added. I would just like to mention that I have a lot of outstanding friend requests that have not yet been completed due to the other person not adding my friend...
  4. E

    Hey guys, i'm looking for some 3DS friends :)

    Not sure what the problem was but you are added now! Added Bud Make sure you add me! Thanks, you also have been registered as a friend!
  5. E

    New 3DS Gamer looking for Friends

    I'm gonna add you right now Add me (FC is in the postbit to the left under my name)
  6. E

    Your favorite game music?

    Legend of Zelda music & Halo music.
  7. E

    Which 3D Mario Game Was Your PERSONAL Favorite?

    Mario 64 is my favourite, after that comes Sunshine. I could never really get into the Mario Galaxy games. I just feel there was way to much to concentrate on and the "fun" factor had been removed, then again that's only my opinion.
  8. E

    Hey guys, i'm looking for some 3DS friends :)

    Added you bud, thanks! Sorry to hear that! I have also added you
  9. E

    Add me for Swapnote Fun!

    I've added you, my friend code for you to add is 2363 - 5819 - 8174
  10. E

    my 3ds friend code

    I've added you, my friend code for you to add is 2363 - 5819 - 8174
  11. E


    I've added you, my friend code for you to add is 2363 - 5819 - 8174
  12. E


    I've added you, my friend code for you to add is 2363 - 5819 - 8174
  13. E

    add me

    I've added you, my friend code for you to add is 2363 - 5819 - 8174
  14. E

    Friends?? ヽ(´ー`)人(´∇`)人(`Д´)ノ

    I've added you, my friend code for you to add is 2363 - 5819 - 8174
  15. E

    Will we get a new 3DS Zelda game in 2012?

    I want a remake of Majoras Mask for the 3DS, probably one of the darkest and coolest zelda games in the Zelda franchise