Recent content by Golddisk

  1. Golddisk

    Abandoned - Blockbuster Video

    Yeah, I remember going into Blockbuster when I was kid. I wasn't big on movies, but I did rent a lot of video games through them.
  2. Golddisk


    The only handheld I have is a Nintendo DS. I had a bunch of games for it, but Mario Kart and The Sims were probably my favorite games on it. Unfortunately I lost all my games for it (probably somewhere in my house) within the past year.
  3. Golddisk

    How do you buy your games?

    I buy mine from various sources. For my PC, I now get most games through Steam. For my Xbox I usually get them at GameStop or Walmart. I have bought one game on Amazon and only because it was on sale there significantly cheaper than anywhere else.
  4. Golddisk

    Grand Theft Auto V

    I have only played it a little bit recently, but I think the updates are okay. They are mostly geared towards players who have a ton of money, though, so if you don't have a few million on hand, you won't be able to partake in all the updates as greatly as someone who does.
  5. Golddisk

    Xbox One How many games do you have for your Xbox One.

    I only have about 10 currently. Two of those are actually backwards compatible 360 games and two of them, which I haven't played at all, came with my One (Rare Replay and Gears of War).
  6. Golddisk

    Would you have switched...?

    One thing - the Xbox and the PS2 were apart of the same generation. So it really would have been switch from the Xbox to the PS3 when the new generation came out. That said, I personally was always a Sony/Playstation guy up until the Xbox 360/PS3 released. At that point, online gaming was...
  7. Golddisk


    Sony has always made nice contollers but I must admit that Microsoft did a good job with the Xbox Ome contoller.
  8. Golddisk

    Do you use a stand/mobile holder when you play games on your tablet or smartphone?

    This id pprobably surprising but I've only played angry birds a few times and I've never played fruit ninja.
  9. Golddisk

    Multi Video Games Release Dates Week (3/28/16+)

    Lots of releases this week, although the only one that I think I might pick up is Roller Coaster Tycoon World.
  10. Golddisk

    Do you use a stand/mobile holder when you play games on your tablet or smartphone?

    Nope, I don't even own one let alone use one. I don't play enough serious type games on my phone to bother buying one.
  11. Golddisk


    Which controller do you use for your Xbox? There's tons of different ones but I just use the basic wireless one. I heard the elite one is supposed to be cool but I'm not going to spend over $100 on a controller. I've never used any type of modded controller either.
  12. Golddisk

    Buy a TV for Gaming

    This is a nice, informative guide. My current TV in my bedroom, which is the one I game on, is a 32 inch but I want to upgrade soon to one closer to 40 inches. My current TV is only 720p and I can't say that I really notice any difference from my living room TV which is 1080p but v closer to 50...
  13. Golddisk

    What Are You Looking Forward To?

    Not a whole lot right now to be honest. The cross platform stuff will be cool if it really happens but the jury is still out on that. I can definitely see the PC/Xbox side working since Microsoft has a large percentage of the PC market, but I think it is less likely Sony and Microsoft will work...
  14. Golddisk

    How Do you Deal With a Bad Gaming Day?

    It seems every now and then I have a day where it seems I just cannot do good at games, particularly highly competitive ones like FPS's. Sometimes I keep trying to play it, but if I'm not able to improve I will usually get off and play something more casual or a simulation game or something. Do...
  15. Golddisk

    What's your gaming platform progression line?

    1. SNES 2. PlayStation 3. PlayStation 2 4. GameCube 5. Nintendo DS 6. Xbox 360 7. Xbox One