How do you buy your games?


Well-Known Member
Do you buy the digital copy?

Digital copy through Playstation or Xbox stores?

Go to gamestop, walmart, best buy etc?

Do you order off Amazon or Ebay?

I pretty much order off Ebay braind new cause i always get them cheaper but only downside you have to wait 3-7 days after release to play for them to come in the mail. Still havent played Rise of the tomb raider for PS4 but i should by tomorrow or monday :)
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I first used a local game store called Video Games Ect. then I went to Gamestop and now I'm slowly moving towards amazon along with an occasional digital purchase.
We do all our games digitally. Used to heavily be on Steam, but a lot of games we do DRM free such as WoW, or EVE On-line.
I haven't b ought a "boxed" game in about 6 years. lol
Most online from shopping sites like Amazon, though I do buy the odd game digitally as well.

Try not to rely on the latter though, since I like owning my games rather than renting them. And well, buying something digitally is basically renting it.
I hate having dozens of discs laying around. With Steam or the Playstation store I just download everything. Also, we now stream games with Gamefly!
I usually wait until a good Steam sale, or the game has been out for awhile. I don't pay $60 for a game. lol