Recent content by HanaSong

  1. HanaSong

    Anyone who loves The Beatles

    My dad was listening to the older Beatles songs then I got hooked with the Beatlemania. Then I soon started listening to all of the songs on every album. Never skipped a song in any of them. It's so hard to pick a fave Beatles song since all of them are great. But if I were to choose a favorite...
  2. HanaSong

    Amazing things YOU can do with AI these days

    Artificial Intelligence has been with us for quite a long time already and it’s amazing how we can do a lot with it these days. Here are three amazing things you can do with AI right now. Chat Whether you are feeling lonely or just wanted someone to talk to at the moment, there are AI buddies...
  3. HanaSong

    Three of the Greatest Mech Battles in Anime History

    Mecha animes are one of the spectacular anime genres in existence. Your childhood would never be complete without watching a single episode of a mecha anime and fighting out your robot toys against your friends. With that in mind, let’s look back at some of the greatest mech battles in anime...
  4. HanaSong

    Other WCG Facebook Page Bombed with Angry Reactions

    The Facebook page of the World Cyber Games, the biggest gaming festival in the world, has been bombed with Angry reactions following WCG’s decision regarding the teams qualified for the CrossFire semi-finals on July 19, 2019 (Friday). The incident started when the Brazilian CrossFire team Black...
  5. HanaSong


    The World Cyber Games (WCG) recently uploaded a couple of videos on their YouTube channel promoting good manners for the players, as well as our fellow gamers, to follow whenever we play a game. The series of videos is titled “Got Manners?” and WCG currently has two videos regarding player...
  6. HanaSong

    What are the things you missed in your childhood memories?

    I miss playing with my friends outside.
  7. HanaSong

    Cute Stuff

    Find the doggo
  8. HanaSong

    Forum Game: Count to 1,000,000!

  9. HanaSong

    Does anyone still play Warcraft 3?

    Can't wait for Warcraft III: Reforged! :D
  10. HanaSong

    Hi, I'm new to the forums! :)

  11. HanaSong

    so bored~

    so bored~
  12. HanaSong

    Hi, I'm new to the forums! :)

    AAA~ So many new stuff since the update! Gotta get the hang of this very soon!
  13. HanaSong

    If you'll join in WCG 2019, what game would you participate? [Game]

    I would join StarCraft II, but it's an invitational game this year and not open to all players.
  14. HanaSong

    Mech Battles in 2019 World Cyber Games

    This is for the Ganker Arena. I think there's a different event for the robot football match.
  15. HanaSong

    Recommendations on browser games.

    Neat prize for a simple browser game.