Recent content by IntoxNitram

  1. IntoxNitram

    Video Games A-Z

    Beyond Two Souls
  2. IntoxNitram

    IntoxNitram's List of Games Completed

    Finished up Skyrim which id started a few times prior but never got into. Got into it this time and really enjoyed it.
  3. IntoxNitram

    IntoxNitram's List of Games Completed

    Felt a little dated overall now and there was freezes every time the game auto saved on PlayStation which was annoying but overall still decently fun. I didn’t romance anyone in the first game to be honest! Will have to see how the other games go lol. Finished up AC Origins as well now.
  4. IntoxNitram

    IntoxNitram's List of Games Completed

    Finished up the last of Crisis today.
  5. IntoxNitram

    Happy Birthday, IntoxNitram

    Thanks everyone I had a great day. Spent some time with the partner and went out for a meal. Quiet one but a nice time.
  6. IntoxNitram

    Hello everyone

    Welcome to GL!
  7. IntoxNitram


    I’d love to learn but have terrible coordination lol. Did buy a set recently to try and learn in the comfort of my own home.
  8. IntoxNitram

    IntoxNitram's List of Games Completed

    Finished up Mass Effect 1 as I purchased the legacy edition for dirt cheap. Enjoyed it after a while but took me a bit to get into. Looking forward to giving the second a go.
  9. IntoxNitram

    Happy Birthday, IntoxNitram

    Thanks all :)
  10. IntoxNitram

    IntoxNitram's List of Games Completed

    Finished up RDR now. Really enjoyed how the story tied into RDR2 which I had already played and I suppose in theory I played it in the chronological order which was an interesting experience.
  11. IntoxNitram

    Last Game Played

    Red Dead Redemption - into the final part of the game now, should be completed in the next few days.
  12. IntoxNitram

    Twitch Laying Off Hundreds of Employees

    Amazon will demand this segment of the business becomes profitable eventually, working out that model will be a challenge.
  13. IntoxNitram

    Discord Announces Layoffs

    Quite a lot of these sorts of companies are laying off quite a lot of staff recently. Think they’re all struggling for profitability.
  14. IntoxNitram

    Microsoft is adding a new key to PC keyboards

    Would probably be a more useful button for most!
  15. IntoxNitram

    My Welcome!

    Welcome back! Expect a lot has changed since you were last here.