Recent content by Josh

  1. Josh

    Do you think a forum, YouTube channel, website be more successful if it had a Physical Office?

    I think for YouTube, private space is necessary if you're making any type of professional videos. Lots of background noise can be present at home and other places. For website and forum owners, I think an office would be helpful, but not required.
  2. Josh

    So I need to learn Algebra

    I'd recommend checking out Khan Academy, if you haven't already. Used it a bit in the past, and always found it helpful. Algebra can be a bit tricky, but I'm sure you can do it no problem! Good luck with the class!
  3. Josh

    What was the smallest screen device you used to play games?

    I played those pong, tetris, snake, etc. games on old cell phones, and old iPod nanos. Smallest devices I can think of.
  4. Josh

    NES Console with 30 Built-in Games

    Looks very nice to me. I'll probably end up getting it. Don't have a NES, and would be fun to play a lot of the great NES games.
  5. Josh

    Last movie you watched on NetFlix

    Watched The Cobbler yesterday. Not too bad of a movie.
  6. Josh

    PlayStation Rise of the Tomb Raider PS4 release date confirmed

    Nice collection, looking forward to it!
  7. Josh

    Do you keep a lot of money in Giftcards in your Amazon, and online store account?

    I usually keep a few hundred in my Amazon account at all times. I purchase a lot from Amazon, and have full trust in them. Other then that, I rarely keep any money in accounts unless I get it as a gift.
  8. Josh

    Do you own a Raspberry Pi

    I never got a Raspberry Pi, it was always something that interested me. Just never could think of something to use it for, probably could figure out something though.
  9. Josh

    Do you think you live long enough to see the death of mobile gaming?

    I think mobile gaming will be around for a long time. It's just starting and so much more is possible with mobile gaming.
  10. Josh


    I have a Logitech M100. Nothing special, but works fine for me. I don't like the more expensive mice with buttons all over them and such.
  11. Josh


    Nice dog you have! Snakes though? :eek: I have a 2 year old black lab named Zoey.
  12. Josh

    Favorite character from Overwatch

    My favorite character from Overwatch would be Reaper.
  13. Josh

    What are the weirdest devices you used the internet on?

    I'd have to say the Wii internet browser. Was a bit strange with the controller.
  14. Josh

    PlayStation Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 coming to PS4

    Don't think I ever played Marvel Ultimate Alliance or Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2. Just did a bit of research on 2, and looks really cool. Hope this is true and it is coming to PS4!
  15. Josh

    Do you think ATMs are dying?

    I don't think ATMs are going anywhere for a long time. They are becoming more useful, with the ability to deposit checks/cash/etc. I think a lot of people will still want to withdraw cash, and perform other transactions.