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  • I think I got one, heh. How does "Shenanigan Guy: Antics Ahoy!" sound? I'm adding a boat in, so it only makes sense. And yeah, Y64M, send us a copy.
    Well, not much I guess. Just a lot of cr@p from my TAFE teachers. Ok, ONE in particular. Was it my fault my External HD screwed itself? Nope. Was it my fault I lost all my data? Nope. Will this lecturer give me an extension? Well, if ya like I can copy and paste everything said into a PM. I'm also sure NintenDan wouldn't mind either, heh.
    Sorry for slowwww reply O_O i forgot my password LMFAO
    Oooo, I go near Nottingham nearly every month, well I go to Derby quite a lot lol
    Only with chocolate. I have to be in the mood for it which is.... Pretty much never. The slow eater in this house is my sister, StarDragon23. I'm one of the faster ones when I ain't sick and I like the meal being cooked, heh.
    Yes. Specifically RAM, operating system, your graphics card, and anything else that looks important :) I'm trying to gauge whether or not my piece of crap computer can make some videos without lagging too's had trouble before.
    I always get lag with those're using a GBA emulator, right? Mind giving me a brief overview of your PC specs? :)
    Sounds like a plan! This weekend I anticipate on knocking over a few things in my Paper Mario Flash thing, so I might have another thing to show everyone! Or maybe not. *shifty eyes*
    Heh, you liked my little Paper Mario text thingy? Well keep an eye on the topic in Fan Content that's dedicated to it, you'll be seeing a lot more Flash stuff there.
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