Photoshop is basically for image editing. Its one of the most powerful software(s?) around for doing it... Flash is sorta basic image creation and manipulation, but is actually more for animation.
Thanks for leaving a comment on my fan fic NC! I WILL reply to it, but I like to update my story at the same time, so it may not be for another 24 hours or so... But I do read the comments as soon as I spot them!
I'm sorry but if you had been around since DSU started you'd be pretty sick of "Leaving" topics too. Also, I was just teasing, you need to lighten up a bit.
So I don't act 21 and and you think that I think gaming is more important than real life. Reasons for these statements would be beneficial to your argument right about now.
If I did, would I tell you? Plus, I forgot to add you back <_<. You have to wait five minuets before you can add a friend you removed. And I forgot within 5 minuets XD