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  • Apparently Japan gets their copies of Pokemon X and Y tomorrow. "Releasing Worldwide October 12th". I'll never believe a worldwide release announced by Nintendo ever again.
    Happy birthday... again!
    Oh, look at that, midnight has passed. At least it's the real deal this time. Thank you, kindly.
    So my local gamestop says it's not having a midnight release for pokemon x and y because (and this is a good one) it's not a triple A title like (hold onto your belts) Call of Duty or Assassin's Creed. I've lost hope in the current gaming community. Gamestop needs to hire new staff.
    Mother/EarthBound Collection
    i would hope you told them off after that one. ^^
    That's why I'm not a fan of GameStop. I usually get my games through Amazon.
    Our gamestop isn't doing a midnight release either, but there is one about 30-40 minutes drive away from us that is. We thought about going to it, but it's kind of a hassle to drive that far in the middle of the night. It'll be morning soon enough!
    So I'm breeding starter Pokemon to have some sort of giveaway sometime after X and Y versions are released. The only problem is..pokemon bank/transfer only releases in December. This means the pokemon will not be movable to X and Y from my gen 5 cartridge until then. Stay tuned. So far I've bred 5 Charmanders and 5 Bulbasaur.
    I lost most of my Colosseum exclusive pokemon due to my Fire red cartridge being stolen a while ago(I had most of my Colosseum pokemon stored in there) , but retained my starters and important pokemon from gen 3 to present day. Most starters i'm breeding are from my past fully evolved starters. Not sure if that means anything to anyone, lol.
    I can help with breeding if you want. If its breedable, i can breed it for you. Except the new ones.
    Appreciate it, but I have a lot of pokemon already. No help is needed.
    So I'm breeding starter Pokemon to have some sort of giveaway sometime after X and Y versions are released. The only problem is..pokemon bank/transfer only releases in December. This means the pokemon will not be movable to X and Y from my gen 5 cartridge until then. Stay tuned. So far I've bred 5 Charmanders and 5 Bulbasaur.
    Pokemon X has officially been preordered! Got a nifty poster with it too.
    That's excellent news. I can't wait to play the game!
    i preordered my copy today too ^_^ cannot wait!
    My internet is still all over the place. I'll be able to go online then randomly be cut off...my activity will be slow for about a week or so.
    I am....FUNNY TROLL???? : - )
    Dev, you know that topic was spammy. <__< It was fun to read the first part, i'll give you that much.

    Okay, I'll behave myself from now on. I couldn't resist :X
    I apologize for my lack of activity, but I'm having issues with my internet service so it may be a few more days before I am able to be active again.
    You tethering internet off your phone again dude?
    I miss the profile Youtube video option. That option comes and goes way too often..
    The Colors! Gallery has been updated to match the 3DS Colors! Gallery. Followers are view able now too. Not sure if anyone on this site really cares, but meh..it's news.
    Disturbed Mouse
    Oh, I haven't had a look at your work yet, I'll have a look when I'm next on my 3DS :3
    Got a gold and silver HHA plaque in the mail in AC:NL on the same day. YUSH! 70,000 HHA Points!
    I think it would be fun to just check who's online a lot and draw cartoon versions of them based on what I know about them or what I've seen in their gallery. Maybe if I get bored enough.
    obviously you'd be drawn as jade though regal. you keep your avatar as him often enough.
    Either you've molded your personality on here to match jades, or his matches yours.
    Sounds cool!
    Can't wait to see what mine will look like.
    Might have to start up another art contest of sorts really soon. I've got an idea in mind but i'm not sure how many would partake. Hmmm....
    Well it may not be art related. I'm thinking of using the game's screenshot feature for it, possibly.
    We could also do one with Luigi since 2013 is the year of Luigi.
    Hey that's a great idea. An Animal Crossing contest, then a Luigi contest.. I don't have AC so ill take part on the Luigi contest.
    Finally had time to pick Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon up again and finish the rest of the game. It gets so much better as you get further. That last mansion is great. Nice ending too.
    Disturbed Mouse
    I'm still on the second mansion o.o I really should try to finish the game >.<
    It's worth it, and the mansions get a bit shorter so it becomes less tiresome to complete missions.
    Disturbed Mouse
    I think it's the fact that I got it for free makes me think I have less reason to play it for it to reach its worth o.o It was the same with Super Mario 3D Land, which I also got for free for getting my 3DS at Christmas time >.<
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