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  • I need to start using Swapnote a bit more. Sorry to the people expecting notes from me, haha. I've been neglecting to use swapnote these past two weeks.
    Cobra King
    Its alright to not use swapnote often. I don't. I am not neglecting my friends, I just do not have much going on in my life. :)
    Got an email to design 2 characters for an upcoming novel. :D
    Grats!! ^_^
    sounds like fun :)
    Yep, though this guy's characters are crazy detailed (story wise) so I'm gonna have to do some research to make their outfits right.
    I'll be rebooting my Youtube channel by the end of the year. I want to make it an art related Youtube channel.
    I don't have high-end recording equipment but I will do my best! \o/
    We'll have to see then. Even if I don't make animations, I can do like character introductions using VAs for the video. Though, I have no recording equipment at all...aside from my laptop mic. (I'll be avoiding anything video game related to earn a little cash through Youtube if possible)
    That's fine either way. I'd be glad to help you as well as start a portfolio for myself at the same time.
    Well, the weekend approaches. Phew...boy do I need it. I just bought Resident Evil: Revelations yesterday, so I'm excited for some one on one time with that game.
    Disturbed Mouse
    Hey Porkman, have you got the 'Circle Pad Pro' with it? As I will eventually be getting Resident Evil: Revelations and I don't know whether it's worth getting the Circle Pad Pro with it or not >.>
    Nah, Circle pad pro is a waste of cash in my opinion. It requires batteries too. The game doesn't really need it.
    I have to say it does lol. I played the demo before purchasing the circlepad pro and my experience was awful
    After buying my copy of RE:R I immediately got the circlepad pro and I must say you experience tbe game better and the controls are smoother. It may seem like a waste but other games and unreleased games will adapt to the circlepad pro and hopefully change your mind :)
    Strange weather..Warm one second, raining the next, then cold, then warm. Walking around in this sucks. Haha. Hopefully the day is looking good for you guys.
    Exactly the same here in Canada!
    come to florida! lol My first full day here I went for a walk, looked up, took a deep breath, and stared at the perfectly blue cloud-less sky... about 35 seconds later it was pouring out REALLY heavy and hard. I looked up again - not a cloud around. >.> That ACTUALLY happened!
    The weather is very strange here too.
    Have Animal Crossing pre-ordered. Now all that's left to do is wait. So how is everyone today?
    You never know, something might turn up.
    Mother/EarthBound Collection
    Animal Crossing? Nah, i'm going to get Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D and Super Metroid on Wii U Virtual Console for 30 cents
    I'm doing well. If you haven't seen it, check the video in my status. I posted it yesterday with you in mind. Also, I gotta tell you about my new art idea. :3
    Traded in Kingdoms of Amular: Reckoning for the 360 and picked up MegaMan Zero Collection for DS. :3
    I'll be aiming to get Animal Crossing: New Leaf, next month. Ready for some multiplayer? I'll try to make my town as exciting as possible. Look forward to it!
    I beat The Legend of Zelda: A link to the Past, last night for the first time. It was a very fun game and pretty simple too for n older Zelda game. I need 1 more heart piece to 100% the game. I'm looking forward to the sequel more than ever, now..
    Mother/EarthBound Collection
    oh, congrats! i wouldv'e thought you had beaten the game ages ago. but i haven't played many Zeldas, but A Link To The Past - SNES is my favorite.
    Yeah, funny thing is I've owned the game since the GBA era (it was my first GBA game)and never played through it.
    glad I got to kinda experience it like new especially with the sequel coming out. I beat the SNES one last night however not the GBA one. I might have to do that one next but I think the oracles games are next for me to complete. As a kid I wasn't very good at the top down Zelda titles.
    Oracles! Woot! the 14th! I can't wait! I have exactly $12 saved up, I hope they are no more than 5.99 each XD
    I beat The Legend of Zelda: A link to the Past, last night for the first time. It was a very fun game and pretty simple too for n older Zelda game. I need 1 more heart piece to 100% the game. I'm looking forward to the sequel more than ever, now..
    I beat The Legend of Zeld: A link to the Past, last night for the first time. It was a very fun game and pretty simple too for n older Zelda game. I need 1 more heart piece to 100% the game. I'm looking forward to the sequel more than ever, now..
    Well the time has come! The Pokemon Trainer Art Contest will be judged today. As of now, no more art submissions will be accepted. The judging may take the remainder of the day so be patient. Thanks to all who took part!
    Several really good submissions! Glad I'm not the judge. :P
    I will get on board of the next contest. Really I saw the title and thought it was a fanfiction. Next time put the word CONTEST in the title. ^_^
    I probably won't host my own contest for a few months after this. Judging is going to be fun. :P
    Will be sneaking online during my internship today since I won't be here very long....don't tell my manager...<__<
    Nah I did a ton of work today, actually. I just log in to make sure there isn't any funny business going on.
    You see the cake peach made at the end of the game
    You're right, I completely forgot about that! LOL
    I've really gotta play Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon more. I haven't progressed due to me wanting to 3 star everything before proceeding. Ah well, a nice slow pace so I don't get bored with it.
    LOL i know how you feel i have already maxed my money and i am on the second chapter.. i know i should be farther but hey life is complicated lol.
    LOL "farther" he got it before buying me my copy and I beat mine 2 days later whilst refusing to play a new level without finding the boos and gems in the previous one.
    thank you for voting.
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