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  • Hmm... if I recruit one more person to this site, I will get the GuildMaster Award! Yosh!
    YOU WILL?!? I mean, uh... you will! *shifty eyes*
    xSilentOmenx and Nimyra are two friends I've brought into the fold, though Nim mostly just lurks on the forum now. >.>
    *ahem*.... turpinator's another imposter. Why the hell are there hardly ANY admins on? Also, I posted a long list of over 500 usernames used on those old forums.
    Hey, apparently.... Pokémon Conquest seems to be doing real well over here. One store ordered 10 in which sold like hot cakes. Then next order only 2 came through and they went quick. I've got one on hold at another store and I'll be picking it up tomorrow.
    You know what you should do? An LP of Pokemon. Pick a game and go for it. Hint: It'll be better to use an emulator for recording.
    Sounds like a good idea to me. Nice comeback. But then again, where you ever a fan of Mystery Dungeon? I don't think many do LP's on that spin-off series...
    Never actually played those. Pokemon Snap and Pokemon Conquest are the only spin-offs I have bothered with.
    Maybe you should give it a look, I like them a lot. But I wouldn't bother with Ranger.... I mean, ugh. I struggled through the first game and didn't like it much at all.
    I named my Litwick "Spoony" in my new Pokemon White playthrough! (I got a legit copy, I was using Acekard back then :P)
    I didn't know you were using Acekard... I did that for Platinum, but mostly because I wanted to play one in Japanese.
    My work schedule is doing its best to make sure I never get to have any fun! Poo! At least I am making good money though.
    My work schedule is... my work is... uhhh, it's all... kinda good. I think.
    I understand giving me the warning points because I sent that message to you,but "unrelated?" GRK and SSF were arguing about me swearing. So it's not really "unrelated."
    They are not the ones responsible for you getting banned, so they were unrelated to that incident. They were upset at your actions, but not to be blamed for them.
    Not going to be on my 3DS so much. New job and getting back into the PS3. I will still keep up with modding duties on here, but maybe not my blog as much.
    I have been legitimately haxed out of pretty much every battle today. We're talking below 5% odds on moves my opponents are pulling. I just don't even know what's happening... Round One is over for me. Let's see how Round Two goes.
    Skarmory or Bronzong?
    Depends on your goal. Laying traps and shuffling is what Skarmory does best. Bronzong is better for taking hits and setting up defenses.
    Sweet revenge. I was able to take down the guy who beat me by hax in round one. I am currently ranked 3rd in the online Pokemon tournament.
    Please. please. please don't unhide things I hide. I hide them for a reason. (The flipnote thread)
    Alrighty. I think sometimes I just take a peak to see what was said myself and hide it again. I think with that one I just didn't see what was wrong with it that editing a single word would not fix.
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