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  • That is a false portrayl of my fellow Shy Guys. Except for the wanting to be friends with everyone part. That's true.
    And I have to travel so far away because the place that's offering the course isn't easily reachable by car (and especially foot). It's a Diploma in Interactive Digital Media, whoooo.
    You asked for random, I gave you random, heh. The problem is, this game isn't even about anything. It's Mario Vs. DK - all puzzles with a bit of action in between.
    As for something not game related... I have to travel on the train for an hour and a half to go to my orientation day for this course I'mma study this year. So it's an hour and half trip to get there, hour ...
    hey yoshi! guess what? Arcellasgottaboyfriendandzexistoldmetobreakthenewstoyou kthxbye. (I'm insanely buzzed for some reason....please don't ask.)
    Haha, I didn't make the sprites myself though. I just had to put them together which turned out to be a challenge in itself. That reminds me, I must put some form of credit in my signature.
    Thanks! Took me a little while to make though, probably longer than it really should've done since the sprites where already there, all I had to do was put them together and have them facing the right way.
    It's either Kyle or Akaen as far as I know, but I usually just analyze typing stylehs.
    Pretty much. I've been put on this for a Spam message which was APPROVED by DAN HIMSELF.
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