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  • WHAT??? You sprained your ankle? D@mn, that sucks.... Oh well, good excuse to play video games for the time being I guess.
    I don't get it. Are you male or female 0_0
    Both, olol.
    hur hur so original and funny...
    Hey, Flandre. I read the thing about more Touhou in the shoutbox, but I didn't get to you in time. Could you PM what you going to say? Or VM. Either or.
    Oh. Ok. I thought I'd ask because you're one of the only few people I know who knows anything about Touhou. Thanks though.
    Hey, Flan, I wanted to play Touhou, but there's something I need to ask. Is Touhou a game where you download it from some where or is it a game that you buy at the store? I've never really seen a touhou game at the store and that's why I'm asking. I do have Touhou 6 is because my friend gave it to me from his flash drive.
    Rolled my ankle at a trampoline park. IT SO FREAKING HURTS RIGHT NOW!!1! >_<
    *points and laughs* Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
    *turns round* OMG! Are you alright, Flan? Oh that? I was just laughing at some guy over there.
    "That guy": Some guy? Did you just say some guy? Do you know who I am? I am the almighty Caseus Massa (please use Google Translate, from Latin to English)!
    *Taps foot* Darn it, why me no kmentioned in Overview? Oh, yeah... *Keeps mouth shut since he didn't mention anyone*. ANYWAy, random profile coments FTW!
    Oh, and there's supposed to be a capital Y on that "anyway", stupid notebook.
    I witnessed a huge motorcycle wipeout today while driving on I-5. If you're Christian (and even if you aren't), please keep the two passengers in your prayers. Thankfully, it wasn't a fatality, but, judging by the way the female passenger was tumbling along the freeway at 70 mph, it's gonna leave more than a mark.
    It reminds me of the time I was on my unwanted roadtrip and saw the after math of a truck crash into the side of the road and into some trees. *Shudders* Bad Memory.
    Star Bright
    Thing was, did you actually see the truck crash?
    Ugh, that's gotta be horrible. 70 MPH is still fairly flogging, especially if you're just tumbling along the freeway with nothing but your motorcycle gear to protect you.

    See kids, better wear that protective gear, huh? *Looks at many people in the local area that wear freakin' SHORTS on their motorcycle and some that don't even wear helmets*.
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