T T TheUltimateKoopa Jul 28, 2011 Also you said you looked through "the archive"? Is there an actual archive that stores all the shouts (and not just the 20 most recent or whatever)? IF so, where?
Also you said you looked through "the archive"? Is there an actual archive that stores all the shouts (and not just the 20 most recent or whatever)? IF so, where?
S S Star Bright Jul 28, 2011 Ok, the new VM system seems... Un-private (I'm making that a word) as all hell.
S S SuperMarioFanX100 Jul 28, 2011 You know what, lets just talk like this. (New Messages) Cuz the new way is practically status updates.
You know what, lets just talk like this. (New Messages) Cuz the new way is practically status updates.
S S Star Bright Jul 27, 2011 Just had my first ever surgical procedure today. Thankfully, things went well.
T T TheUltimateKoopa Jul 26, 2011 These are visitor messages, I believe, techincally, I'm using Firefox 5.0 as I'm typing this.
N N NintenDan Jul 23, 2011 You know what I meant. I think. Wait a second, I'm NintenDan, why am I listening to you? *floats away into the light*
You know what I meant. I think. Wait a second, I'm NintenDan, why am I listening to you? *floats away into the light*