1. Lleyn

    Anime Winter 2018/2019 List

    The new batch of winter anime is here, so I figure I'd post this :D Winter 2018/2019 Anime List There's a bunch of leftovers from the Fall anime (and maybe previous seasons as well), so here are the links if you'd like to check these out! Fall/Spring/Summer
  2. Demon_Skeith

    E3 E3 2018 Schedule

    Courtesy of Cheesemeister. As always, GL will bring you all E3 news there is to know!
  3. Demon_Skeith

    Anime Winter 2018 List

    A new season of anime is upon us once more with a great deal of sequels series airing! Check out what is airing: http://gaminglatest.com/animepics/winter2018anime.png So what interests you in the coming Winter line up? Or you still catching up from Spring/Summer/Fall
  4. froggyboy604

    Seagate plans 16TB drives for 2018, 20TB by 2020

    Right now, Seagate’s highest-end drive tops out at 10TB, but the company plans to double that within the next three years, with 16TB drives rolling out as soon as mid-2018. Seagate, according to CEO Steve Luczo, is in the middle of a major market transition and is planning new products that...