electric guitar

  1. froggyboy604

    Do Stereos and Electric Guitar have an unfair reputation of being loud and annoying?

    Yes, I feel some people unfairly categorize boombox stereos, and electric guitar as loud and annoying because they see a larger speaker, and stereos and electric guitars usually have a very manly design. Movies also usually like to film boombox stereo, and electric guitar users turning up the...
  2. froggyboy604

    Do you think home electronics brands like Samsung will make electric musical instruments?

    I think it is possible that home electronics brands like Samsung, Sony, an Vzio which don't make musical instruments will make electric musical instruments like an electric piano or electric guitar in the future. Fewer people need to buy new home electronics like smartphones, PC, Blu-Ray...
  3. froggyboy604

    Are Electric Musical Instruments like Electric Guitar, Piano with Built-in Speakers/amp Good?

    I think Electric Piano's with a built-in speaker are okay if you mainly plan on playing at home or in a small room like a medium sized class room with a few students. But, electric guitars with a built-in speaker or amp seem not as worth it because you have to carry the guitar around, and the...
  4. froggyboy604

    Building an Electric Guitars from an Electric Guitar Building Kit

    Anyone here have experience building an electric guitar from a kit, or electric guitar parts you buy from a store and online store? I seen a few online videos about people building an electric guitar from a kit which they bought from eBay for around $60-200. Some people say building an electric...