
  1. Artisan Vistra

    Bank of Japan is Ending Ultracheap Borrowing

    Source: Yen surges on surprise Bank of Japan policy move So all those imports will cost a little more now. I'm proud of them. However, with our high-interest rates, the tables are going to turn if investors in money are smart. Our money has less trading value with this dang Fiat currency...
  2. OPG609

    Multi Project E - Official Cinematic Trailer (An Upcoming MMO RPG Game)

  3. froggyboy604

    Are Google Chromebooks popular in Japan?

    I occasionally see a few Google Chromebook reviews posted by Japanese YouTube users, so I think Chromebooks maybe somewhat popular in Japan otherwise not many Japanese people will continue to post video on Chromebook. But, I'm not sure if Google Chromebooks are popular in Japan because I don't...
  4. froggyboy604

    Japan Can Soon Make Utility Bill Payments In Bitcoin

    Local digital currency firm Coincheck has announced a new service in which customers in Japan will soon be able to pay their utility bills via Bitcoin. It will be the first of its kind in the country and it is expected to be made available to customers starting this November. To encourage users...
  5. Demon_Skeith

    The wages of Anime makers broken down

    As detailed on kotaku here. Pretty sad looking.
  6. Demon_Skeith

    Other Amazon Japan Shipping Games Internationally

    Do you import a lot of games from Japan? Amazon now has you covered as Amazon Japan will now ship games internationally. Getting games from Amazon instead of a site like Play-Asia will cut out an additional cost upon the cost of the game and international shipping. As pointed out on IGN, you...