The wages of Anime makers broken down


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As detailed on kotaku here.

Pretty sad looking.
Yeah, it's rough and we keep hearing it over and over. Unfortunately not nearly enough people support the shows they love so much. Everyone has such an easy time watching anime online for free I don't really blame them, especially when you are young and broke shelling out $20-$100+ for the BlueRay physical copy of an anime is really hard to justify. I myself am guilty of essentially never spending money on anime. The only thing I can take comfort in however is that I do try to buy as much manga as I can afford to, which I like believe helps the anime/manga industry at least a little. Until then we'll just have to hope the industry continues to persevere. -shrug-
Yes, people need to stop streaming the stuff. You have to pay to watch movies with good view. The crap version is free but it's not the same. I think they should make bootleg anime for people that do not feel like playing for it.
Is pretty baffling that despite of the Anime Industry decline, anime releases are more prolific than ever. Lower wages and revenues also suggest way lower production values, and newer studios are going to struggle to get by.
The thing is though, even if more people bought legitimate copies, or went and watched the shows on the big screen, that in itself wouldn't make an impact on the wages of these people, the ones who do the work.

Their wages should be paid no matter what from these multimillion corporations that produce and release the mlovies are
I work on intellectually demanding jobs for approximately 3$/hour (there rarely is anything better online), so these wages seem high to me. But I get it that Japan has higher prices and costs of living which means that they probably have it rough despite earning 3x more than me. One anime episode of average production values costs 200,000$, which means an average 12 ep show is around 2 million dollars! That seems like enough money to make workers satisfied, so it's likely that taxes for the services sector in Japan are high and/or that their sponsors are concentrating the earnings from sales to the top management.

I only own some 4-5 anime DVD packs (Berserk, GTO, Escaflowne, a couple of movies), so I too am guilty of not buying enough. But I really can't afford it. If pirate sites did not exist, I'd live in complete cultural and scientific darkness due to my economic situation. Right now there is a chance to progress through work as I have a wealth of information at my disposal. Were that not the case, there would be no way out of poverty.
The thing is though, even if more people bought legitimate copies, or went and watched the shows on the big screen, that in itself wouldn't make an impact on the wages of these people, the ones who do the work.

Their wages should be paid no matter what from these multimillion corporations that produce and release the mlovies are

There would be an impact though if nobody bought anything.
I just can't stand the "piracy made this" argument. It's not about piracy. It's about being closed. Look at game industry. It's doing great even though piracy is there and it's huge! The problem with anime is that only available streaming services are in Japan and USA. You can't find one for Europe. Yes, you can use VPN, but that's not the point. You shouldn't force a viewer to use this kind of software to be able to watch anime legally! If they only opened up for the world and not only these two countries, I think they'd be getting a lot of more money.
I just can't stand the "piracy made this" argument. It's not about piracy. It's about being closed. Look at game industry. It's doing great even though piracy is there and it's huge! The problem with anime is that only available streaming services are in Japan and USA. You can't find one for Europe. Yes, you can use VPN, but that's not the point. You shouldn't force a viewer to use this kind of software to be able to watch anime legally! If they only opened up for the world and not only these two countries, I think they'd be getting a lot of more money.

There's been a so called war on piracy for more years than I care to remember now and I think at some point it needs to come to an end. I'm not saying that they should allow people to just copy and pirate whatever they want, but how about trying to work with people instead?

I'd imagine the main reason for piracy is the cost, and I know that in the past I've looked at software for example and baulked at the price as there's no way that they can justify charging that amount. In a lot of cases it's just pure greed and the companies are charging way over the odds and that's why people decide to download pirate copies. Personally I will pay a fair price for anything, and if I can't afford something that I think IS priced fairly then I'll just save up for it, like people used to do in the past.

If the cost of things was priced fairer, I think a lot of piracy would stop,but they only see that as cutting into their profits when in the long run, it would be better for them as they would sell more copies and at the same time cut down on the piracy as well.