
  1. gamestoenjoy

    What's new in Kodi 22?

    Kodi 22 Piers is still in the early stages of development. Currently, the next milestone is Kodi 22 Alpha 1. This release includes many improvements and fixes that make Kodi 22 a superb release worth waiting for. Here you can find what's is new in Kodi 22...
  2. gamestoenjoy

    Portable Kodi on a USB flash drive

    You can have your own portable Kodi with all your favorite add-ons by installing it on a USB flash drive. You can take and run this portable Kodi everywhere. Here is how to do it: Install Kodi on a USB flash drive
  3. gamestoenjoy

    Kodi 20 - coming soon

    Kodi is a popular media center for movies and TV shows. The new Kodi 20 is finally in beta stages. Learn here everything that is currently known about this exciting new release. What's new is Kodi 20?
  4. gamestoenjoy

    A New Release for the Official Remote for Kodi – Kore 3.0

    Kore is a simple, easy-to-use, beautiful remote that lets you control your Kodi media center from an Android device. A new Kore 3.0 version with many new features was released. You can learn all about it here.
  5. gamestoenjoy

    How to set up free IPTV on Kodi

    Here is how to set up free IPTV on Kodi including channels from all over the world: Free IPTV on Kodi
  6. gamestoenjoy

    Watching Netflix with Kodi

    You can watch Netflix with Kodi and it works great! Here is how to do it: Watching Netflix with Kodi
  7. gamestoenjoy

    How to watch movies in full screen with Kodi

    Does your movie play only on part of the screen? Learn how to use Kodi to play movies in full screen: https://kodibeginner.com/watch-movies-full-screen-kodi/
  8. gamestoenjoy

    Other You can now play games on Kodi

    Starting form Kodi 18, the new Kodi just launched, you can play retro games on Kodi including Sega, Atari, Nintendo, Commodore 64, MS-DOS, Game Boy, Amiga, PlayStation and more. You should definitely try it. Here is how to play games on Kodi: How to Play Games on Kodi - Kodi Beginner
  9. gamestoenjoy

    Kodi Beginner

    If you want to learn Kodi and watch your favorite movies and TV shows, there is a site called Kodi Beginner which teach you what you need to know Kodi. Here is the link: Kodi Beginner I hope you find it to be useful :)