100k posts

It just says in the ACP how many total posts there is.
I'm not referring to the AdminCP, I'm talking about in the actual database of the site. Do you have access to the cPanel which holds the databse?

Check attached images. 1st one shows the icon in cPanel to select phpMyAdmin. 2nd shows where I searched all posts for the 100000th post to pull it up with all the details


  • phpmyadmin.png
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  • cpanel100000.png
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I had a mod that split total posts into topic count and post count at the bottom of the forum stats.

lol, I hear ya, phpMyAdmin controls EVERYTHING in the site, and one slip up can cause catastophe. But, as long as you don't delete anything you're good. I can walk you through the steps to show you how easy it is when the time comes.

nah, I can handle it. I just got to make sure to do some back ups before hand :p
afraid the phpmyadmin won't be of any help.

If I'm reading it right the count is split between topics and posts. So I really can't use it to find out who made the 100k post.

Tables are split between topics & posts yes, but the posts ( messages) table will have every single post in there, whether it's a topic starter or reply to a topic. The main reason their split into 2 different tables is so the database can use the topics table to mark topics as sticky, locked, etc. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about. If you have any kind of voice chat IM on your PC pm me and I can walk you through it

Attched Pic #1 shows the topics database, match the red, blue, green boxes with Attached Pic #2 which is from the messages database and you'll see they have the same info, just the topic database stores information on the first post of each topic, like sticky, locked, poll options, board ID it's assigned to, ect.


  • cpanel100000TOPIC.png
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  • cpanel100000POST.png
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