Anyone still watches movies on DVD player?

Your chances of that are obnoxiously low. You have a significantly chance of getting a virus just for connecting on the internet, so your priorities are in the wrong places.

Oh! Really. I've had a fair share of viruses messing up my PC and I've been scared since then.
Oh! Really. I've had a fair share of viruses messing up my PC and I've been scared since then.
For the average person, the vast majority of viruses come from the internet. Your chances of getting viruses from things like flash drives and DVDs/Blurays are incredibly low, unless you get them from some bootleg seller. If you have an antivirus and stay away from sketchy sites, or don't open up suspicious emails, you'll be fine.

Most people that are really scared of viruses and their online privacy always seem to have their priorities in the wrong places, and also never bother doing research on what actually causes that stuff.
We do. We have a few streaming services but I like also getting DVDs out of our library. Sometimes it's easier to find & order a TV show or movie from the library than it is to find WHICH streaming service it is on.
I use a DVD player to watch movies I own or borrow from family members.

I don't watch many movies per year, so using DVDs to watch movies or TV shows is more affordable than subscribing to streaming services which can cost $10 or more per month.
A movie that watched as a kid gives a different meaning when I rewatched it as an adult. The difference is always there.
It's all about being more open to things as an adult that causes that. I have a lot of movies and TV series I need to rewatch again.
There are some movies I have on blu-ray or dvd.

I have all the Harry Potter movies on blu-ray when they came out with the whole series in the blu-ray collection. Things like that, I would like to have them on blu-ray or dvd because I want to be able to watch them whenever I want instead of waiting for it to stream or whatever.
Our New Zealand Disney+ and Netflix is crappy in terms of content so still gotta hunt for DVDs of certain titles so yes still use a DVD player every so often.