Anything you don't need again because of technology?

I don't how the security of landlines boxes are set up where you're at but down here, they seem to value phone towers more than they do with landlines boxes. There's always a security outpost near phone towers but none for landlines.
Those are for cell phones, that has nothing to do with landlines, cable TV, or your internet. So if you're worried about your box so much for a landline, you shouldn't have broadband internet or cable since those all are in the same boxes.
VCR Cassettes. Everything is either on DVDs or online for cheaper. They are better preserved that way.
I don't need a gas car which has a manual transmission where I need to shift gears up and down with a stick shift transmission while pressing the gas and clutch pedal when shifting gears. Most cars have automatic transmission which automatically shift gears in the transmission for me while the car is moving.
Thank you folding or hand fan for all your services. You have tried very well but your services are no longer required because everything have turned to electronic now.

I feel I dont need to own a large animal fir transportatiin like a horse or donkey for long distance land transportation because an electric bike, car, and motorcycle is more convenient and reliable in most cases.
Oh, they are still a thing.

Theyre not as popular as they used to be, however. Back in the day, that was the ONLY way to watch or play something if you couldnt afford it.