Are you less likely to enjoy a online video if the people in the video don't wear shoes or socks?


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I don't really like watching videos where the people in the video are not wearing shoes, or socks because it feels weird seeing people's bare feet on a video displayed on my big monitor, TV, and smartphone and tablet which is close to my face.

I notice some people don't take care of their toe nails, or feet, so they maybe dirty, and the toe nails are long, and I see them on my screen.

I also think it can be unprofessional to post videos of yourself not wearing shoes or socks on your feet in educational and news video where students, professionals and workers will watch the video like video related to computer repair, plumbing, car repair, math help, and history.

It can be disrespectful to some people to talk about sad news like a terrorist attack or death of a celebrity while not wearing shoes or socks in a video because it can make the video maker look like he does not care to present himself better to present sad news.
I agree with you. I'd rather see people in socks/shoes and not bare feet. Seems a bit gross to me.
That comes down to foot fetish of the person, but publicly admitting, I rather see shoes.
That comes down to foot fetish of the person, but publicly admitting, I rather see shoes.

I think some people also a have shoe fetish, and get excited when they see people wearing certain types of shoes like high heel shoes.

I feel shoes can make a video more realistic to watch. I would be disappointed if people in the video are barefoot while playing the role of a soldier, police officer, or famous video game characters like Sonic the Hedgehog who usually wear shoes.
I think some people also a have shoe fetish, and get excited when they see people wearing certain types of shoes like high heel shoes.

I feel shoes can make a video more realistic to watch. I would be disappointed if people in the video are barefoot while playing the role of a soldier, police officer, or famous video game characters like Sonic the Hedgehog who usually wear shoes.

I know plenty who are in it for socks.
I know plenty who are in it for socks.

I also prefer wearing socks with shoes because it seems more clean because more of the sweat and dead skin flakes from your feet will be absorb by the sock, and less sweat and dead skin will drop in a shoe.

I think it also can look weird for people to not wear socks when wearing some types of shoes like running shoes, and work shoes which you wear while wearing a suit, tuxedo, or a uniform for a store like Wal-Mart, Best Buy, or Radioshack.
Honestly, that's a big yes. If they go bare foot or would be ...too unclean for me to watch. So, there is no way I would enjoy it just like before :/