Award images input

Reading this thread made me realize you guys are #1 at something, but I'm, the most balanced. Arcade, anime, posting, money making, trophies.

Anyways let's come up with a short list and start making the awards. We can add more later. The list Ds had + Mori's ideas are fine.
Not if you don't get any arcade scores. Ga, did I say I was better at trophies? (facepalm)
Kudos on the images mori. List thus far:

Arcade Noob - Held 10 highest scores in the Arcade.
Arcade Meister - Held 50 highest scores in the Arcade.
Arcade God - Held 100 highest scores in the Arcade.
God Slayer - Beaten 50 highest scores in the Arcade.
Forum Monkey - Created 20 Threads in the GF Humor Category.
Laid-Back Gamer - Wrote 200 posts in the GF Gamer Hangout.
Certified Spammer - Wrote 100 posts in the GF Spam Zone.
Post Meister - Wrote 50 posts in each main forum categories.
Thread Meister - Created 10 Threads in each main forum categories.
Jack Of All Trades - Owns the Post Meister and Thread Meister awards.
MVP - Elected Member of the Month 3 times in a row.
Forum Legend - Has a post count of 10,000
Resident Gamer - Spent 21 days online.
Get a life! - Owns the Forum Legend and Resident Gamer awards.
New Gun in Town - Wrote 10 posts and verified an email address.
Luigi- place second in any contest
Wario- Use the steal shards item
Koopa Kids ( or a different koopa kid for each)- Become part of the staff team
Gather a Party - Have 4 or more GF users in your friends list.
Gamer Army - Have 100 or more GF users in your friends list.
Knowledgeable - Made 100 posts in the Ask me.
Rainbow - Achieve any advance user group color.
I am error - make one topic in the GF error report board.
Sony geek - make most of your posts in the sony boards only for one week.
Nintendo geek - make most of your posts in the Nintendo boards only for one week.
Microsoft geek - make most of your posts in the Microsoft boards only for one week.
Gamer Nerd - Have the sony geek, Nintendo geek and Microsoft geek awards.
Princess is in another castle - Announce that you won't be on for awhile.
Anime geek - make most of your posts in the anime board only for one week.
Tech geek - make most of your posts in the tech board only for one week.
Music geek - make most of your posts in the music board only for one week.
Are you a gamer? - have the anime geek, tech geek and music geek awards.
Debate Lord - have 20 topics and 100 posts in the debate board.
I see the future - Make 10 video game preview topics
I know the past - make 15 video game review topics.
Down in front - Post 25 video game trailers for up coming games.
Who's the noob? - Make 25 posts
I'm not busy - make 100 posts
I have no life - make 250 posts
Post master - make 500 posts
It's been how long? - make 1000 posts