Award images input

I am error will be a zelda image:
Okay, I'll come up with my ideas, because apparently you and Mori can only think of Japanese things, too much of which is anime. lol NO ANIME.
Gather a Party - Have 4 or more GF users in your friends list. - Sora
Gamer Army - Have 100 or more GF users in your friends list. - Marth (Fire Emblem)
Knowledgeable - Made 100 posts in the Ask me. - Ema Skye
Rainbow - Achieve any advance user group color. - Captain Rainbow
I am error - make one topic in the GF error report board. - Zelda Image?
Sony geek - make most of your posts in the sony boards only for one week. - Sackboy
Nintendo geek - make most of your posts in the Nintendo boards only for one week. - Yoshi
Microsoft geek - make most of your posts in the Microsoft boards only for one week. - John-117
Gamer Nerd - Have the sony geek, Nintendo geek and Microsoft geek awards. - Altair
Princess is in another castle - Announce that you won't be on for awhile. Peach?
Anime geek - make most of your posts in the anime board only for one week.
Tech geek - make most of your posts in the tech board only for one week.
Music geek - make most of your posts in the music board only for one week. - Yuna
Are you a gamer? - have the anime geek, tech geek and music geek awards.
Debate Lord - have 20 topics and 100 posts in the debate board. - Phoenix Wright
I see the future - Make 10 video game preview topics. Dhaos (Tales of Phantasia)
I know the past - make 15 video game review topics. Crono (Chrono Trigger)
Down in front - Post 25 video game trailers for up coming games. Igor (Persona)
Who's the noob? - Make 25 posts
I'm not busy - make 100 posts
I have no life - make 250 posts
Post master - make 500 posts
It's been how long? - make 1000 posts

Don't have characters in mind for the others yet.