Be honest. what is your thoughts on piracy?



I personally own a ds flashcart(2 actually) a hacked wii and a hacked psp. I used to own a hacked PS3 though.

Personally I will pirate anything that I can easily pirate. I do still buy games a lot though if it makes any sense. I usually buy games I really enjoy. Some companies I flat out refuse to support like activision. I felt damn good when I pirated golden eye wii. But I would buy the original game in HD if it was ever made.

I don't buy many ds games and don't think there usually worth it. I usually buy the pokemon games though.

I often buy rom packages(like the genesis collections, I have like 4 variations of it) and special editions of rom games(I bought the mario collection even though I own all stars on the SNES) Oddly enough I hate pirating old game roms. I usually like owning the original carts of games. Remember how I said I own like 4 variations of the sonic collection games? well I also own the original sonic 1-knuckles on a actual cart.

I own almost every popular first party n64 game. The only ones I do not have are pokemon stadium 2 and smash brothers.

I don't buy snes games often because there too expensive on ebay and good ones are hard to find in garage sales.

Sorry if this breaks the rules in anyway. I just wanted to start a intresting convo is all.
Right now I only pirate the ones that are easy to get like the NES, SNES, Gameboy Advance and not much of PlayStation 1 games. I usually just download the game I feel like playing for the SNES and Gameboy Advance like the ones that I don't have anymore, and if I find a game that I never played before and I'm interested in playing it, I'll download that too. (Especially the ones that was only released in Japan) So basically I pirate old games and buy the ones for my other consoles, new or used. Nobody lives forever, so I don't care how I was able to obtain a game in this temporary life.

Also people should remember that if you watch anime on Youtube or any other non official anime site, you're already pirating because you are watching free animes anytime you want without buying the DVD, so you can't say you're not a pirate for not downloading free games, if you watch animes online.
I tend not to support it, but have no problem 'pirating' games I own if it gives me the chance to mess around with them and edit them on computer. If Nintendo lets you modify your own games in future, I'd never download a single ROM ever again.
I tend not to support it, but have no problem 'pirating' games I own if it gives me the chance to mess around with them and edit them on computer. If Nintendo lets you modify your own games in future, I'd never download a single ROM ever again.
If you simply make a copy of the game to fiddle about with, for 'personal use' if you will, then that's not pirating. In fact it's not even entirely illegal (it's in a bit of a legal grey area).
It is only pirating if you distribute the hacked material.
well I heard for example you are not allowed to own a rom of the original mario bros till like 2088 or something.
ill pirate a game. i havent in a loooong time though, but i used to depending on the game. but i only did it because i didnt have money for them, but now that i have money for it i normally dont, rather own the actual physical copy of it.
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Depends on if I support the developer. I will also pirate if I've never heard of the game developer before and am slightly iffy about the game. For example I pirated minecraft, liked it and so I bought it.

As far as pirating music, I do not buy music. All the music I own is pirated, same for manga/anime/movies/ ect.
I would never ever pirate games from developers like Bethesda or Valve. Valve makes fantastic games and is generous as hell anyways. Bethesda is just flat out amazing. Indie developers is a huge no no as well because I support them completely. As for huge companies like Activision or Apple, I could not care, even the tiniest little bit, mainly because if I was going to name 2 companies I flat out hate, there's the two. Nintendo I don't really care to be honest, my love for Nintendo is really with Gameboy, N64, and Gamecube. The DS was cool, but mine is somewhere in Michigan.

I don't pirate games much at all, because if I really want it, I'll buy it, but if I'm not willing to buy it, then maybe its not really that worth having.
But if it's a company I despise, that barrier is gone. Couldn't care less.
I also pirate games from douchebag developers like notch.
I've never pirated, and I don't plan to. Heck, I don't even like Action Replay...even though I have one, it was only to protect myself against hackers online for Metroid Prime Hunters (didn't work...never found online compatible codes). Piracy denies the gaming company their rightful reward for making a game. If you wouldn't buy the game, then what's the point in pirating it?
I also pirate games from douchebag developers like notch.
This was a attempt to troll me right, if so everything is cool.

Just in case it isn't how is notch a douchebag. He almost always listens to his fans (and is nice to them), and when they report bugs he fixes them. Minecraft is nothing but pure fun, and a really good game at that. In fact it's started a whole new genre of games almost. Terraria, fortresscraft and other games take minecraft as their inspiration. I don't see how notch is a douchebag if anything he's extremely nice.

Also at UnkownToaster Valve has such crazy sales there isn't even really a reason to pirate from them : P.
because he takes forever when it comes to updates. He's also a little full of himself.
because he takes forever when it comes to updates. He's also a little full of himself.
He takes so long to update! Why does it take so much longer when 2 people are working on a game instead of a whole developement team.

Just because you're upset he takes long (did I mention theres only 2 programmers?) doesn't make him a douchebag. I don't even know how you could begin to jump to this conclusion.
How is he even full of himself? He donated 4000 dollars to charities and indie developers this year and last year donated $2000. Sounds like a real scumbag to me.

Notch is one of my favorite developers. Why? He made minecraft by himself, started a company, and is actively working on it. Hes worked on so many projects and worked with so many people it's ridiculous. He programmed entire games in 24 hours. The dude is great. He made millions from his indie game and sends money back to the indie community, supporting them, showing them they can be successful too.
I mean, the indie community is easily my favorite because it takes a lot to make games, especially when near on your own, it takes a lot of dedication and skill. I guess my respect for how much work Notch has to do by himself explains why I can't fathom calling him a douchebag for being slow when he's not even close to slow whatsoever.