Black Ops Discussion Thread

Yeah..... but whether or not he survived he won't come back in a possible sequel. Did you even know how old he was at the time of the Vorkuta escape?
Ohhh, lessee...he was possibly in his twenties in WaW, so that'd make him in his late fifties or mid-sixties, at least. If Black Ops's sequel picks up right after the conclusion of Black Ops, he could still be around.
Ah, so he's not that old! And he still seems pretty fit. I mean, when Mason breaks him out of that Russian prison compound, didja see those pecs?...
He is awesome. He's my favorite character in the COD series.
I'm not sure who my favorite is...I liked Reznov in WaW, but he seemed a bit odd in Black Ops.

In other news, I uploaded a totally random, near-pointless clip last night. Found it in my file share and thought, "Hey, why not?" So here it is:


The 30 second render limit is pretty frustrating. But then I realized that I could just upload a bunch of small clips and then consolidate them into one video with Youtube's editor. Easy peasey! So from now on, I'm going to see if I can't upload some clips that aren't completely boring.
Cool vid........

And look at this....

I totally agree with this.

Except for Nikolai.
I agree with all but Hudson and Dempsey. Bale is no Dempsey, and Ed Harris just fits Hudson's role better...after all, he both voiced and was used as a model for Hudson.

In other news, I'm making my first Black Ops vid that's actually OVER 30 seconds long
It'll be around two minutes, to be exact...I are excited. Now I just need a decent video editor.
Video uploaded, now I just need to add annotations. I wish I had a decent vid editor...something better than Windows Movie Maker :/
Yeah, but we all know how the awesome characters always make it out in some stupid yet awesome illogical way, like illogically killing thousands of well-trained Soviet, German, English, and Vietnamese soldiers with a single AK-47.

Check out ze awesomeness of a film clip over 30 seconds long...I actually kinda like this one.

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Check out ze awesomeness of a film clip over 30 seconds long...I actually kinda like this one.


Niiiiice snipes.

I managed to meet a suicidal guy online a while ago...I LOFL'd.
I gotz the killcam too somehow. Dunno how, even though I got aslpoded. )-)
Yeah, but we all know how the awesome characters always make it out in some stupid yet awesome illogical way, like illogically killing thousands of well-trained Soviet, German, English, and Vietnamese soldiers with a single AK-47.

Who thumbed this down? T_T
Anyways, how did you make the vid, Zex?
Watch and learn how a professional does it kids.

Who thumbed this down? T_T
Anyways, how did you make the vid, Zex?
I uploaded multiple 30 second clips and compiled them together on my computer. It was a long process, but at least it worked =)
Guys, Double XP weekend for Black Ops again this week. However, unlike last time, the increased XP is for all systems, not just 360. So, just thought I'd keep you guys in the loop.

Happy killings Fri-Sun
Niiiice. I'm taking full-fledged advantage of that this time.

And at your vid SMF-Pft. That's nothing. Ice done that quite a few times.
SWEETNESS! NukeTown 24/7 has been added to Xbox!
I wish the folks in multiplayer were this animated. And did I see a tank?...
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