Black Ops Discussion Thread

Well, if you think about it there are two companies who make COD games. Treyarch and Infinity Ward. They've been releasing game every other year. One year it's Treyarch, the Next the Ward. But this year the Next Call of duty is being made by Sledgehammer. A New Comer. Then after that it's one from Infinity Ward. So we'll have to wait 2 years until Treyarch's exclusive Zombies mode to make a return in a next Call of Duty Title. >_<

Treyarch Made 3, 5 and 7.
Infinity Ward made 1, 2, 4 and 6. (The Modern Warfares)
and now SledgeHammer is making 8. (A Modern Warfare Prequel)
Well, if you think about it there are two companies who make COD games. Treyarch and Infinity Ward. They've been releasing game every other year. One year it's Treyarch, the Next the Ward. But this year the Next Call of duty is being made by Sledgehammer. A New Comer. Then after that it's one from Infinity Ward. So we'll have to wait 2 years until Treyarch's exclusive Zombies mode to make a return in a next Call of Duty Title. >_<

Treyarch Made 3, 5 and 7.
Infinity Ward made 1, 2, 4 and 6. (The Modern Warfares)
and now SledgeHammer is making 8. (A Modern Warfare Prequel)
Sledgehammer? Call of Duty prequel? I'm not liking the sound of that. Sounds like Activision is just milking the cash cow. But so long as Treyarch keeps rolling out additional map packs, I'd say that we'll see more of zombies yet.
The prequel is supposed to be about Modern Warfare's 2 Ghost.
Ghost was a cool dude, but they don't need to make a game about him. He's dead, and that's that.
Back to BO! So...... my highest kill streak was 9 or 8
Wow, really? I'm not sure what mine is off the top of my head...but my all-time K/D is 20.00, so that's kinda nice.
I can't really live for a long time to get those High Kill streaks, but that's what Care Packages are for.
i can't remember what my best K/d ratio was, but my best streak was....what was it, 11 or 12...meh, they were noobs anyway. My most kills,on the other hand, was 92 kills and 42 deaths. what does that make out to in K/D ratio?
Class: Sneak Bastard
Primary: Silenced SPAS-12
Secondary: Speed Reloader Python
Perks: Ghost, Sleight of Hand, Hacker
Grenades: Semtex, Concussion
Equipment: Claymore

I use this class any time I am not using my other two classes.


Class: Steve Reichert
Primary: Variable Zoom L96
Secondary: Speed Reloader Python
Perks: Ghost, Steady Aim, Ninja
Grenades: Frag, Concussion
Equipment: Claymore

Standard quick scoping and what not. This is the class I use most.


Class: Spongebob (Plant / Defuse)
Primary: Extended Mags Famas
Secondary: Speed Reloader Python
Perks: Flak Jacket, Sleight of Hand, Tactical Mask
Grenades: Frag, Stun
Equipment: Claymore

Anything that involves planting and defusing usually sees this class enter the game.


As for why I use claymore so much: If I get in a biased gun fight, hide, place the claymore and run / watch any other entries.
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Ok....... Kill streak Time. My favorite Kill streak is Care Package because, well I can get any kill-streak from that.

However I ususally use in matches, Spy Plane (Because It's someone's job to get Spy Plane for the team right?) Care Package and Mortar Team.

However in a small map like Nuketown I put Napalm Strike instead of Care package and Counter Spy Plane instead of Spy Plane.

In free-for-all I also switch Care Package for Napalm strike.
In case you people didn't know or just forgot. Double XP for Call of Duty Black ops is this Friday-Sunday. Happy killing!
@ Tokoris, the k/d for 92-42 would be 2.19.

Um, as for my killstreaks, I've used all sorts of combinations. Right now I just have the Spy Plane-Care Package-Attack Chopper combo. I've also used Care Package-Blackbird-Chopper Gunner, and even Spy Plane-SAM Turret-Care Package. The only real constant is the Care Package, which I'll occasionally switch out for Napalm (usually on smaller maps like Nuketown, where there's the danger of someone stealing the killstreak).
Hehe.... Look what happened to me today. If only I had Pro at the time though
I would've lasted longer.


Anyhoo, what's Black Ops without the Zombies?

Here are my Highest Rounds While Solo...

Kino Der Toten - 30

"Five" - 25

Dead Ops Arcade - 16

Ascension - 18
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I'm not sure what my top solo rounds are, but I will say that Ascension is pretty awesome. I had a great streak of luck yesterday, managing to pick up the Thundergun, Ray Gun, Crossbow, Gersh Device and Ballistic Knife all at some point or another. I also managed to earn all of the Ascension achievements (after some amount of frustration with "Space Race"), so woot ;D And if I keep picking up Crossbows with the frequency I did yesterday, I should have a good shot at getting that darned "Sacrificial Lamb".
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Kill Streak awards-Spy Plane, Motar, and Chopper Gunner.

Kino Der Toten - 30

D: I'd be lucky to get passed 8. as for DOA, 15 or something. I was in the prison escape area.

if I keep picking up Crossbows with the frequency I did yesterday, I should have a good shot at getting that darned "Sacrificial Lamb".

If all 4 or so of us are online, we could help ya get that. just a suggestion....
Won't be necessary, Ike. I FINALLY got the darned thing yesterday with my brother around round 20. I was so nervous, but we'd just gotten an insta-kill and tons of zombies were still coming...the first shot only netted five kills. Then my brother had to run a bit around the launch pad (the one by the PhD Flopper (an amazing perk, by the way)) for some breathing room, making it hard for me to line up the second shot. Insta-kill was running out but I aimed, fired, waited...and BOOOM! After a couple seconds of holding my breath, the little "bleep-bloop" was heard and Sacrificial Lamb was unlocked. I are so relieved
Won't be necessary, Ike. I FINALLY got the darned thing yesterday with my brother around round 20. I was so nervous, but we'd just gotten an insta-kill and tons of zombies were still coming...the first shot only netted five kills. Then my brother had to run a bit around the launch pad (the one by the PhD Flopper (an amazing perk, by the way)) for some breathing room, making it hard for me to line up the second shot. Insta-kill was running out but I aimed, fired, waited...and BOOOM! After a couple seconds of holding my breath, the little "bleep-bloop" was heard and Sacrificial Lamb was unlocked. I are so relieved

That's good to hear.