BlackBerry reports $671 million quarterly profit, CEO says ‘foundation is solid


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Ending May 31st, BlackBerry reported profits of $671 million CAD, representing $1.23 per share. Revenues for the quarter dropped to $235 million from $400 million. Those numbers are a massive change from the same period in 2017 that saw total company losses reach $670 million.

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I think more people are buying Blackberry devices because Blackberry phones now that it uses Android which can use more apps, and play more games than the original Blackberry 10 Operating System found on older Blackberry phones like the BB Classic.
So its making a come back?
So its making a come back?

Blackberry looks like it is making a small comeback by getting rid of its less profitable products like the original Blackberry phones which ran the older BB10 OS.

I think some people who would of bought Samsung phones, are now buying Blackberry phones which does not have as many reports of Blackberry phone exploding, and injuring the users like the Samsung Galaxy Note and some of their other Galaxy phones. There were also a few reports of people getting electrocuted while using their iPhone when it is charging, and the iPhone catching on fire, and bending while in people's pocket.

Blackberry's Google Android based phones are somewhat popular with people who need a keyboard, and take their phone's security seriously now that so many people, companies, and the government is getting hacked more often.

I bet, with the latest Wanna Cry Ransomware cyberattacks, leaked government data, and the leak of Windows 10 sourcecode, a lot of companies and people who care about their smartphone's security, and privacy will switch to Blackberry's Google Android phones instead of other Android, and Apple iOS phones which may have more security vulnerabilities.
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Nobody uses Blackberry. lol

I agree that few people uses Blackberry's original smartphones with the original Blackberry OS.

But, I seen a few people use the Blackberry Priv which uses Google Android as its operating system.

The Blackberry Keyone Google Android smartphone is currently sold out according to BlackBerry KEYone sold out online in USA, TCL says demand is extremely high

Blackberry's QNX car operating system is popular in cars with infotainment systems. Some of Blackberries apps like BBM messenger is also somewhat popular.
I didn't even know they still made Blackberries. I figure it got run out of town with the rise of the iPhone, as well as the competition provided by other smart phones. I hear Blackberries are more for businessmen who needs a schedule run or something. It's definitely not for the casual user. For people who just want to use apps, games, and to browse the internet, the Blackberry is definitively not for them.
I didn't even know they still made Blackberries. I figure it got run out of town with the rise of the iPhone, as well as the competition provided by other smart phones. I hear Blackberries are more for businessmen who needs a schedule run or something. It's definitely not for the casual user. For people who just want to use apps, games, and to browse the internet, the Blackberry is definitively not for them.

Blackberry's original Blackberry 10 smartphones are gone except for a few models like the Blackberry Passport. But, the Blackberry Google Android phones like the Priv, DTEK50, DTEK60, and Keyone are for users who needs a secure Android smartphone running a newer Android OS instead of Android 5.0 which is still sold on some Android phones made by more popular phone brands.

Blackberry's newer Google Android phones come with newer versions of Android like Android 6.0 and 7.0, so they can run a lot of Android apps, games, and web browsers like other Android phones with the same version of Android