E3 Call of Duty: World War II


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A new look at the upcoming CoD WW 2 video game. It's due to come out November 3rd 2017.
I agree with IntoxNitram. It is hard to tell how good the actual game is until they release proper gameplay without over editing and switching it out. However, I think that it will be way better than the last few Call of Duties.

I missed this type of environment - the newer CoD's felt too futuristic for me. I prefer proper military style - similar to CoD4 or MW2.

I do have high hopes for WWII though. I am really, really hoping that it's good.
It looks good.....but just about ALL games "look good" nowadays, even the sorry ones. However, WW2 is BY FAR the Most popular wartime scenario in all things, especially video games. They lost some popularity in recent years because people who are obsessed with WW2 didn't like the games nearly as much and stopped playing like they used to. But COD had to try new themes...you cant make EVERY game about the same thing, so they tried different eras basically so they COULD eventually get back to THIS!! This will determine the future of the COD franchise. If it is ever gonna be as popular as it was years ago, this will be the time!! Guess we will find out in about 6 months!!
Ubisoft may have convinced me this year that I'll be picking up the Assassin's Creed series again, but I don't think Activision will do the same for Call of Duty. For one thing the whole series has just lost its impact on me after playing it for more than a decade. And for another, I don't feel like going back to World War II after having played that setting in games since 1999.

It's not to say I wouldn't give it a try if I find the reviews say that Sledgehammer managed to truly innovate in this edition somehow, but I'm not expecting that for the time being.
I know that we've seen countless of WWII games in the past like Battlefield and Medal of Honor, but were going to be visiting this familiar setting with all new and better graphics and gameplay. So I'm genuinely excited to revisit this era in a whole new level of experience. The newer COD releases tried to hard to impress with their futuristic ideas that it shun most of the fans away. But I really don't think they can fail this time around. Like my grandmother used to say, "There's no beating the old fashioned way."